
Upwork: 15554504

Primary LanguageJavaScript



  • Limit data returned to the current user.
  • Combine all graphs in a single chart.
  • Allow filtering of chart data using various fields.


  • Clone the repo and install bundled gems

      git clone https://github.com/nikhgupta/data_collector ~/data_collector
      bundle install --without development test
  • Set the following environment variables for configuring database access:

  • Set the following environment variables:

      export RAILS_ENV=production
      export SECRET_KEY_BASE=`bundle exec rake secret`
  • Run the following commands to create database, and import the sample data (note that, this will drop the existing database):

      bundle exec rake db:drop db:create db:migrate
      bundle exec rake import
  • Run the rails server using:

      bundle exec rails server -b "" -d

    This will start the server on port 3000. You can now visit the application on your server on port 3000, and create new users or use an existing one by specifying the UUID present in the ./data/customers.csv file. Please, change the password for these users, afterwards.

  • If you need to send emails when user registers, etc., you should set an env. variable DEVISE_EMAIL_FROM, which holds the email address which will be used to send these emails.

Installing Ruby

  • Install rbenv, and ruby-build.

  • On ubuntu, you may need to install build-essential and some other packages (specifically, libraries for openssl, readline, and zlib):

      apt-get install -y build-essential
      apt-get install -y libssl-dev libreadline-dev zlib1g-dev libpq-dev
  • Install Ruby v2.2.3 using rbenv:

      rbenv install 2.2.3 && rbenv global 2.2.3
  • Install Bundler:

      gem install bundler
  • Install a suitable JS runtime:

      apt-get install nodejs

Running Specs

You can run the test suite by issuing the following command:

COVERAGE=1 bundle exec rspec

This will, also, create a coverage/index.html, which contains the coverage report for the code.