
Node.js wrapper for the unofficial Apex Legends API by ApexTab

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Node.js ApexTab-API Wrapper

A simple Node.js Wrapper for the Apex Legends API provided by ApexTab.

Table of Contents


npm install apextab-api --save
yarn add apextab-api
bower install apextab-api --save


const API = require('apextab-api');
const ApexTab_API  = API.Apextab_API;

ApexTab_API.searchPlayer("Anno",API.Platform.PC).then((results) => {

    results.results.forEach((playerResult) => {

        console.log("Player: "+playerResult.name)
        console.log("Aid: "+playerResult.aid)
        console.log("Kills:"+playerResult.kills+ "\n\n");

        ApexTab_API.getPlayerById(playerResult.aid).then((player) => {
            console.log("-- Got Stats for Player:"+player.name);
            console.log("-- Rank:"+player.globalrank);
 * output:
 * Player: annoulele
Aid: c33e579ef0dd208b7e2ae8877a6781d5

-- Got Stats for Player:annoulele
-- Rank:0
{ playerfound: true,
  aid: 'c33e579ef0dd208b7e2ae8877a6781d5',
  name: 'annoulele',
  platform: 'pc',
  skillratio: 0,
  visits: 3,
  avatar: 'https://apextab.com/cache/7372d16d41bc4f938b985c7df16a13b6.png',
  legend: 'Bangalore',
  level: 11,
  kills: 0,
  headshots: 0,
  matches: 0,
  kills_Bloodhound: 0,
  kills_Gibraltar: 0,
  kills_Lifeline: 0,
  kills_Pathfinder: 0,
  kills_Wraith: 0,
  kills_Bangalore: 0,
  kills_Caustic: 0,
  kills_Mirage: 0,
  headshots_Bloodhound: 0,
  headshots_Gibraltar: 0,
  headshots_Lifeline: 0,
  headshots_Pathfinder: 0,
  headshots_Wraith: 0,
  headshots_Bangalore: 0,
  headshots_Caustic: 0,
  headshots_Mirage: 0,
  matches_Bloodhound: 0,
  matches_Gibraltar: 0,
  matches_Lifeline: 0,
  matches_Pathfinder: 0,
  matches_Wraith: 0,
  matches_Bangalore: 0,
  matches_Caustic: 0,
  matches_Mirage: 0,
  globalrank: 0,
  utime: 1551305261 }



All Methods are accessable through the Apextab_API-Module.

Search Player

ApexTab_API.searchPlayer(username, platform)

Returns a Promise for an Object of Type SearchResults, a List of PlayerResult.

ApexTab_API.searchPlayer("Anno",API.Platform.PC).then((results) => {
    // do something

/* output:
 * {

Get Player


Returns a Promise for an Object of Type Player

ApexTab_API.getPlayer("f5337d769b7b29628f59d8c84ea45d9d").then((player) => {
    // do something



export interface Player {
    playerfound: boolean;
        aid: string;
        name: string;
        platform: Platform;
        skillratio: number;
        visits: number;
        avatar: string;
        legend: Legend;
        level: number;
        kills: number;
        headshots: number;
        matches: number;
        kills_Bloodhound: number;
        kills_Gibraltar: number;
        kills_Lifeline: number;
        kills_Pathfinder: number;
        kills_Wraith: number;
        kills_Bangalore: number;
        kills_Caustic: number;
        kills_Mirage: number;
        headshots_Bloodhound: number;
        headshots_Gibraltar: number;
        headshots_Lifeline: number;
        headshots_Pathfinder: number;
        headshots_Wraith: number;
        headshots_Bangalore: number;
        headshots_Caustic: number;
        headshots_Mirage: number;
        matches_Bloodhound: number;
        matches_Gibraltar: number;
        matches_Lifeline: number;
        matches_Pathfinder: number;
        matches_Wraith: number;
        matches_Bangalore: number;
        matches_Caustic: number;
        matches_Mirage: number;
        globalrank: number;
        utime: number;


export interface RawPlayer {
        playerfound: boolean;
        aid: string;
        name: string;
        platform: string;
        skillratio: number;
        visits: string;
        avatar: string;
        legend: string;
        level: string;
        kills: string;
        headshots: string;
        matches: string;
        kills_Bloodhound: string;
        kills_Gibraltar: string;
        kills_Lifeline: string;
        kills_Pathfinder: string;
        kills_Wraith: string;
        kills_Bangalore: string;
        kills_Caustic: string;
        kills_Mirage: string;
        headshots_Bloodhound: string;
        headshots_Gibraltar: string;
        headshots_Lifeline: string;
        headshots_Pathfinder: string;
        headshots_Wraith: string;
        headshots_Bangalore: string;
        headshots_Caustic: string;
        headshots_Mirage: string;
        matches_Bloodhound: string;
        matches_Gibraltar: string;
        matches_Lifeline: string;
        matches_Pathfinder: string;
        matches_Wraith: string;
        matches_Bangalore: string;
        matches_Caustic: string;
        matches_Mirage: string;
        globalrank: string;
        utime: string;


A single Search Result:

export interface PlayerResult {
    aid: string;
    name: string;
    platform: Platform;
    avatar: string;
    legend: Legend;
    level: string;
    kills: string;


The Array results stores all of the Results.

export interface SearchResults {
    results: PlayerResult[];
    totalresults: number;



Enum which stores ID for corresponding Platform

  • PC = "pc"
  • PS4 = "ps4"
  • XBOX_ONE = "xbl"


Enum which stores the Legends:

  • Bangalore = "Bangalore",
  • Bloodhound = "Bloodhound",
  • Caustic = "Caustic",
  • Gibraltar = "Gibraltar",
  • Lifeline = "Lifeline",
  • Mirage = "Mirage",
  • Pathfinder = "Pathfinder",
  • Wraith = "Wraith"


Feel free to open Issues.

To run a dev build locally simply clone the repository and run npm install in root of the project. To build use npm run build. The TypeScript-Code will be compiled to JavaScript and put into the \lib-Folder.