
Discovering Neural Wirings (https://arxiv.org/abs/1906.00586)

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

By Mitchell Wortsman, Ali Farhadi and Mohammad Rastegari.

Preprint | Blog | BibTex

In this work we propose a method for discovering neural wirings. We relax the typical notion of layers and instead enable channels to form connections independent of each other. This allows for a much larger space of possible networks. The wiring of our network is not fixed during training -- as we learn the network parameters we also learn the structure itself.


If you find this project useful in your research, please consider citing:

  title={Discovering Neural Wirings},
  author={Mitchell Wortsman and Ali Farhadi and Mohammad Rastegari},

Set Up

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Using python 3.6, create a venv with python -m venv venv and run source venv/bin/activate.
  3. Install requirements with pip install -r requirements.txt.
  4. Create a data directory <data-dir>. If you wish to run ImageNet experiments there must be a folder <data-dir>/imagenet that contains the ImageNet train and val. By running experiments on CIFAR-10 a folder <data-dir>/cifar10 will automatically be created with the dataset.

Small Scale Experiments

To test a tiny (41k parameters) classifier on CIFAR-10 in static and dynamic settings, see apps/small_scale. There are 6 experiment files in total -- 3 for random graphs and 3 for discovering neural wirings (DNW).

You may run an experiment with

python runner.py app:apps/small_scale/<experiment-file> --gpus 0 --data-dir <data-dir>

We recommend running the static and discrete time experiments on a single GPU (as above), though you will need to use multiple GPUs for the continuous time experiments. To do this you may use --gpus 0 1.

You should expect the following result:

Model Accuracy (CIFAR-10)
Static (Random Graph) 76.1 ± 0.5
Static (DNW) 80.9 ± 0.6
Discrete Time (Random Graph) 77.3 ± 0.7
Discrete Time (DNW) 82.3 ± 0.6
Continuous (Random Graph) 78.5 ± 1.2
Continuous (DNW) 83.1 ± 0.3

ImageNet Experiments and Pretrained Models

The experiment files for the ImageNet experiments in the paper may be found in apps/large_scale. To train your own model you may run

python runner.py app:apps/large_scale/<experiment-file> --gpus 0 1 2 3 --data-dir <data-dir>

and to evaluate a pretrained model which matches the experiment file use.

python runner.py app:apps/large_scale/<experiment-file> --gpus 0 1 --data-dir <data-dir> --resume <path-to-pretrained-model> --evaluate
Model Params FLOPs Accuracy (ImageNet)
MobileNet V1 (x 0.25) 0.5M 41M 50.6
ShuffleNet V2 (x 0.5) 1.4M 41M 60.3
MobileNet V1 (x 0.5) 1.3M 149M 63.7
ShuffleNet V2 (x 1) 2.3M 146M 69.4
MobileNet V1 Random Graph (x 0.225) 1.2M 55.7M 53.3
MobileNet V1 DNW Small (x 0.15) 0.24M 22.1M 50.3
MobileNet V1 DNW Small (x 0.225) 0.4M 41.2M 59.9
MobileNet V1 DNW (x 0.225) 1.1M 42.1M 60.9
MobileNet V1 DNW (x 0.3) 1.3M 66.7M 65.0
MobileNet V1 Random Graph (x 0.49) 1.8M 170M 64.1
MobileNet V1 DNW (x 0.49) 1.8M 154M 70.4

You may also add the flag --fast_eval to make the model smaller and speed up inference. Adding --fast_eval removes the neurons which die. As a result, the first conv, last linear layer, and all operations throughout have much fewer input and output channels. You may add both --fast_eval and --use_dgl to obtain a model for evaluation that matches the theoretical FLOPs by using a graph implementation via https://www.dgl.ai/. You must then install the version of dgl which matches your CUDA and Python version (see this for more details). For example, we run

pip uninstall dgl
pip install https://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/dgl.ai/wheels/cuda9.2/dgl-0.3-cp36-cp36m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl

and finally

python runner.py app:apps/large_scale/<experiment-file> --gpus 0 --data-dir <data-dir> --resume <path-to-pretrained-model> --evaluate --fast_eval --use_dgl --batch_size 256

Other Methods of Discovering Neural Wirings

To explore other methods of discovering neural wirings see apps/medium_scale.

You may run an experiment with

python runner.py app:apps/medium_scale/<experiment-file> --gpus 0 --data-dir <data-dir>

To replicate the one-shot pruning or fine tuning experiments, you must first use mobilenetv1_complete_graph.yml to obtain the initialization init.pt and the final epoch.


Coming soon!