Detailed writeup: "Final Writeup - Generating Music using an LSTM Network.pdf"
The Main.ipynb file is divided into 4 cells to individually run:
1): import Python libraries
-run cell to import all the necessary Python libraries (REQUIRED)
2): import .MIDI files
- run cell to read in the current working directory and specified MIDI files (REQUIRED)
- specify list of folders to extract music from
- specify max # time steps required to retain each MIDI file
- specify # pieces to set aside for independent validation during training
3): Build model graph
- run cell to build the Input Kernel, timewise LSTM, notewise LSTM, loss, and optimizer graphs (REQUIRED)
- specify hidden sizes for timewise and notewise LSTM stages (a list for each)
num_t_units and num_n_units
4): Train model
- runs a specified number of batches for training
- every 100 batches it runs a validation batch and records validation loss in addition to training loss
- every 500 batches it
- specify # epochs (batches)
- specify batch size (number of Note State Matrices)
- specify # time steps to train on (must be less than max #time steps)
- specify model name to restore (or None)
- specify name to store model to
- specify keep_prob = 1 - drop out rate
5): Generate Averaged Test and Validation likelihoods
6): Music Generation
- runs a for a specified amount of time steps, generating samples of the form Note_State_Batch, storing them, and feeding
them back to the input of the next time step
- length of song in 16th note steps
- batch size of generated music
- specify keep_prob = 1 - drop out rate
All models, loss graphs, and generated midi files are automatically saved to a folder i.e. Generating_Music/Output/Save_Model_Name where "Generating_Music" is the working directory and the subdirectory "Output" is reserved for all the generated files. models are restored from the same corresponding directories
Latest .MIDI files are under Ouptput/Piano_Midi2