Creator-Kit requires multiple repositories for building, which are scattered across two GitHub organizations namely CreatorKit, Creatordev, FlowM2M and Cascoda.
Create a directory to keep project repositories, and run following commands :-
$ mkdir creatorkit
$ cd creatorkit
$ repo init -u
$ repo sync
To build a tagged release, add tag name with repo init command as follows :-
$ repo init -u -b 0.9.0
Note :- repo is a tool which should be present on your system. If not then follow this :-
$ mkdir -p ~/bin
$ curl > ~/bin/repo
$ chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
Update ~/.bashrc to add repo path in linux path permanently :-
export PATH=$PATH:~/bin/
After repo sync is complete, required repositories are cloned inside the project directory creatorkit.
Enter into build repository and start building :-
$ cd build
There are multiple options for building things :-
Linux based applications using OpenWrt can be built by :-
$ make openwrt
OpenWrt binaries can be found at :-
Contiki based applications can be built by :-
$ make contiki
Contiki based application binaries can be found at :-
Linux and Contiki based applications can be built by :-
$ make
Additional arguments could also be passed while building OpenWrt for logging more information, or building it in parallel threads. e.g.
For logging all information
$ make openwrt V=s
For logging just errors/warnings
$ make openwrt V=w
For building OpenWrt in parallel threads
$ make openwrt J=20
For building OpenWrt's different projects, different configs needs to be passed.
$ make openwrt P=creator-kit-1-cascoda.config
For cleaning linux based applications :-
$ make clean_openwrt
Note :- This will also clean the feeds.
For cleaning Contiki based applications :-
$ make clean_contiki
Linux and Contiki based applications can be cleaned by :-
$ make clean
We are maintaining different pre-defined configurations in "config" files for building different CreatorKit projects.
creator-kit-1.config - CreatorKit project1 related config for CC2520 based platforms.
creator-kit-2.config - CreatorKit project2 related config for CC2520 based platforms.
creator-kit-3.config - CreatorKit project3 related config for CC2520 based platforms.
creator-kit-1-cascoda.config - CreatorKit project1 related config for CA8210 based platforms.
creator-kit-2-cascoda.config - CreatorKit project2 related config for CA8210 based platforms.
creator-kit-3-cascoda.config - CreatorKit project3 related config for CA8210 based platforms.
Note :- By default, CreatorKit project1 is built for Cascoda CA8210 platform if no config has been specified using P= option.
$ make contiki P=creator-kit-1-cascoda.config
$ make openwrt P=creator-kit-1-cascoda.config
Whole OpenWrt and Contiki based applications.
$ make P=creator-kit-1-cascoda.config
Rest of the build options remain same as mentioned above in this document.
$ make contiki P=creator-kit-1-cascoda.config SER=1 CH=26 ID=0xabcd
Here SER means USE_SERIAL_PADS i.e. UART2 for serial console You can pass channel number in CH and pan_id in ID option. Default values of CH , ID, SER are 26, 0xabcd, 0 respectively.
We welcome all contributions to this project and we give credit where it's due. Anything from enhancing functionality to improving documentation and bug reporting - it's all good.
For more details about the Contributor's guidelines, refer to the contributor guide.