- 0
Encoding conversion - ISO-8859-2 -> UTF-8
#34 opened by grzech1983 - 0
- 0
Inconsistent handling of missing images
#31 opened by volkerwestphal - 10
Kindle-send breaks on svg images
#28 opened by volkerwestphal - 0
- 0
.webp images not displayed on Kindle
#27 opened by volkerwestphal - 3
dial tcp: lookup no such host missing data prefix
#26 opened by volkerwestphal - 2
- 1
Confusing help for option usage
#18 opened by engelhro - 2
- 8
[Linux] Configuration files do not belong in the root of the user's home directory
#6 opened by kseistrup - 1
- 2
Debug possibility for e-mail dispatch?
#17 opened by engelhro - 1
- 2
Unusual SMTP port referenced
#14 opened by engelhro - 2
Add a license file
#8 opened by Erk- - 2
- 2
Please provide a ‘-version’ string
#5 opened by kseistrup - 1
Timeout while sending larger files
#3 opened by nikhil1raghav - 2
Typo in `argparser` instead of `argparse` + missing `ebooklib`
#1 opened by mattiasJohnson