Aspiring Mechatronics Engineer | Machine Learning and AI | Experienced with Python, Robotics and Embedded Systems
Pinned Repositories
This repository is created for participating in IEEE MEDHACK conducted in 2020 which includes webpages and advanced models
Designed and build a mobile robot, and house it in a URDF world. Then programmed with Cpp plugins to chase white colured balls
software that plans a trajectory for the end-effector of the youBot mobile manipulator (a mobile base with four mecanum wheels and a 5R robot arm), performs odometry as the chassis moves, and performs feedback control to drive the youBot to pick up a block at a specified location, carry it to a desired location, and put it down. The final output of your software will be a comma-separated values (csv) text file that specifies the configurations of the chassis and the arm, the angles of the four wheels, and the state of the gripper (open or closed) as a function of time. This specification of the position-controlled youBot will then be "played" on the CoppeliaSim simulator to see if your trajectory succeeds in solving the task.
This repository implements A* search to find a minimum-cost path through an undirected graph. You will use the CoppeliaSim scene to visualize the graph and the solution path found by your program. Although the nodes of your graph are assigned (x,y) coordinates in a plane for visualization purposes (and the solution is animated by a planar mobile robot), the A* graph search you will implement is for fully general undirected weighted graphs. As such, the nodes could represent configurations in arbitrary C-spaces, such as the six-dimensional C-space of the rigid chassis of a spacecraft flying among asteroids. We visualize the nodes of the graph as points in a plane, for simplicity.
Recognizes handwritten Tamil characters with 90% accuracy. Credits to HP Labs India for the training and test datasets. This system uses a convolutional neural network (CNN), which is widely used across optical character recognition tasks.
Just a repository to refresh basic to advance python concepts.
nikhilamalajerrin's Repositories
software that plans a trajectory for the end-effector of the youBot mobile manipulator (a mobile base with four mecanum wheels and a 5R robot arm), performs odometry as the chassis moves, and performs feedback control to drive the youBot to pick up a block at a specified location, carry it to a desired location, and put it down. The final output of your software will be a comma-separated values (csv) text file that specifies the configurations of the chassis and the arm, the angles of the four wheels, and the state of the gripper (open or closed) as a function of time. This specification of the position-controlled youBot will then be "played" on the CoppeliaSim simulator to see if your trajectory succeeds in solving the task.
This repository implements A* search to find a minimum-cost path through an undirected graph. You will use the CoppeliaSim scene to visualize the graph and the solution path found by your program. Although the nodes of your graph are assigned (x,y) coordinates in a plane for visualization purposes (and the solution is animated by a planar mobile robot), the A* graph search you will implement is for fully general undirected weighted graphs. As such, the nodes could represent configurations in arbitrary C-spaces, such as the six-dimensional C-space of the rigid chassis of a spacecraft flying among asteroids. We visualize the nodes of the graph as points in a plane, for simplicity.
Recognizes handwritten Tamil characters with 90% accuracy. Credits to HP Labs India for the training and test datasets. This system uses a convolutional neural network (CNN), which is widely used across optical character recognition tasks.
Designed and build a mobile robot, and house it in a URDF world. Then programmed with Cpp plugins to chase white colured balls
This repository is created for participating in IEEE MEDHACK conducted in 2020 which includes webpages and advanced models
MATLAB is an extremely versatile programming language for data, signal, and image analysis tasks. This course provides an introduction on how to use MATLAB for data, signal, and image analysis. After completing the course, learners will understand how machine learning methods can be used in MATLAB for data classification and prediction; how to perform data visualization, including data visualization for high dimensional datasets; how to perform image processing and analysis methods, including image filtering and image segmentation; and how to perform common signal analysis tasks, including filter design and frequency analysis.
Mathematics for Machine Learning is a specialization offered by coursera with Imperial College of London
Nikhil Amala Jerrin J portifilio
Just a repository to refresh basic to advance python concepts.
Contains the solutions for Python 3 specialization offered by Coursera
Official Repo of Projects for Robotics Software Engineer