NxDraft does exactly what the name suggests; it creats N drafts from one.
To Use
The client uses pipenv and google-api-python-client for it's working.
First Run
Below are the steps on how to use it for the first time:
pip install pipenv
- go to project directory and run
pipenv shell --three
- install all dependencies
pipenv install
- run the project and follow the CLI
python3 nxdraft/api.py
NOTE: The browser authentication is required only once, after that the secrets are stored and used [forever].
Consecutive Run
Below are the steps that need to be followed if you've already ran the program once.
cd /to/project/directory
pipenv shell
python3 nxdraft/api.py
The virtual environment created in first step is used here :)
Please read CONTRIBUTING.md guide to know more.