Created by Jane Kang, Pomona College Class of 2016 Last edited March 11th 2014 iOS 7 required Basic functionalities - saves a picture with a title and a comment - allow user to search for a picture on Instagram and Flickr - allow user to take a picture with camera or pick a picture from the photo album - tweet the picture - apply filters to the picture - crop a picture - edit a picture after saving it - database - app icon Additional functionalities - launch icon - save, edit, delete buttons on navbar - undo enabled on picture filter editor - undo all enabled on picture cropper - tab bar icons - add/edit/detailview images customized to the height of the view (if the screen is longer than usual, images extend) - image placeholder on camera view controller - double tapping on camera view image pops the camera view controller - resizable cropper with pinches, size reset enabled - image savable with image placeholder with no title, no comment - alerts when user tried to tweet without logging into twitter - clears images and search queries on re-pushing the search view - button texts change color when touched
Scrapbook iPhone application. iOS 7.0 Features camera, picture filters, online searches with Instagram and Flickr.