
Understand the basics of statistical significance testing. We are interested in analyzing given datasets and performing T, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) tests. We will use the R programming language for this.

Imagine that you are conducting user studies to evaluate several types of menus for their performance on navigating. Here, please compute ANOVA and pairwise-t-test for each scenario.

  1. The first dataset contains user id, type of menu and time. There are a total of 40 users, 10 each for a particular menu type. So, there are 4 groups of users and it’s a between-group design.

  2. Second dataset user id, type of menu, error and time. There are a total of 10 users, each user testing each menu type. It’s a with-in subject design

  3. Write a report on what insights you gained from the data after performing the tests.
    For each scenario, you need to report your results using graphs. For this part, you can use any kind of graph plotter in R or Python. It can be any relevant plot that visualizes data points, mean, sd, etc.