go-logging is a simple logging package for go that ressembles the python logging module
- Easy and intuitive to use
- Log to multiple handlers with different logging levels and different outputs
- Write your own formatters(based on "text/template") and use common functions
- Call logging functions variadically to format the log message with arguments
The following functions are currently available for calling from the formatter:
- asctime - the log record creation time in "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:SS" format
- created - the log record creation time in epoch
- filename - the name of the file calling the function
- lineno - the line number of the file calling the function
- fileline - the filename and lineno in this format: "filename: lineno"(**this usage is preferred when choosing to present both filename and line number)
package main
import (
func main() {
// Handler with default formatter
handler, err := logging.NewHandler(logging.DEBUG, os.Stdout)
if err != nil {
panic("got an error")
logging.Debug("Testing a debug message")
logging.Info("Testing an info message")
logging.Warn("Testing a warning meesage")
logging.Error("Testing an error message")
// Setting a different formatter
handler.SetFormatter("{{ created }}; {{ fileline }}; {{.LevelNum}}; {{.Message}}")
logging.Debug("Testing a debug message")
logging.Info("Testing an info message")
logging.Warn("Testing a warning meesage")
logging.Error("Testing an error message")
// Return to the previous formatter
str := "hello"
logging.Debug("Testing a debug message with arguments %s:%d", str, 0)
logging.Info("Testing an info message with arguments %s:%d", str, 1)
logging.Warn("Testing a warning meesage with arguments %s:%d", str, 2)
logging.Error("Testing an error message with arguments %s:%d", str, 3)
eomri-mac:tests eomri$ go run main.go
2018-08-25 01:44:25; /Users/eomri/go/src/github.com/omrikiei/go-logging/tests/main.go: 17; DEBUG; Testing a debug message
2018-08-25 01:44:25; /Users/eomri/go/src/github.com/omrikiei/go-logging/tests/main.go: 18; INFO; Testing an info message
2018-08-25 01:44:25; /Users/eomri/go/src/github.com/omrikiei/go-logging/tests/main.go: 19; WARNING; Testing a warning meesage
2018-08-25 01:44:25; /Users/eomri/go/src/github.com/omrikiei/go-logging/tests/main.go: 20; ERROR; Testing an error message
1535150665; /Users/eomri/go/src/github.com/omrikiei/go-logging/tests/main.go: 23; 0; Testing a debug message
1535150665; /Users/eomri/go/src/github.com/omrikiei/go-logging/tests/main.go: 24; 1; Testing an info message
1535150665; /Users/eomri/go/src/github.com/omrikiei/go-logging/tests/main.go: 25; 2; Testing a warning meesage
1535150665; /Users/eomri/go/src/github.com/omrikiei/go-logging/tests/main.go: 26; 3; Testing an error message
2018-08-25 01:44:25; /Users/eomri/go/src/github.com/omrikiei/go-logging/tests/main.go: 30; DEBUG; Testing a debug message with arguments hello:0
eomri-mac:tests eomri$ go run main.go
2018-08-25 01:52:37; /Users/eomri/go/src/github.com/omrikiei/go-logging/tests/main.go: 17; DEBUG; Testing a debug message
2018-08-25 01:52:37; /Users/eomri/go/src/github.com/omrikiei/go-logging/tests/main.go: 18; INFO; Testing an info message
2018-08-25 01:52:37; /Users/eomri/go/src/github.com/omrikiei/go-logging/tests/main.go: 19; WARNING; Testing a warning meesage
2018-08-25 01:52:37; /Users/eomri/go/src/github.com/omrikiei/go-logging/tests/main.go: 20; ERROR; Testing an error message
1535151157; /Users/eomri/go/src/github.com/omrikiei/go-logging/tests/main.go: 23; 0; Testing a debug message
1535151157; /Users/eomri/go/src/github.com/omrikiei/go-logging/tests/main.go: 24; 1; Testing an info message
1535151157; /Users/eomri/go/src/github.com/omrikiei/go-logging/tests/main.go: 25; 2; Testing a warning meesage
1535151157; /Users/eomri/go/src/github.com/omrikiei/go-logging/tests/main.go: 26; 3; Testing an error message
2018-08-25 01:52:37; /Users/eomri/go/src/github.com/omrikiei/go-logging/tests/main.go: 30; DEBUG; Testing a debug message with arguments hello:0
2018-08-25 01:52:37; /Users/eomri/go/src/github.com/omrikiei/go-logging/tests/main.go: 31; INFO; Testing an info message with arguments hello:1
2018-08-25 01:52:37; /Users/eomri/go/src/github.com/omrikiei/go-logging/tests/main.go: 32; WARNING; Testing a warning meesage with arguments hello:2
2018-08-25 01:52:37; /Users/eomri/go/src/github.com/omrikiei/go-logging/tests/main.go: 33; ERROR; Testing an error message with arguments hello:3
eomri-mac:tests eomri$