
Implementing In-Memory Cache using Decorator on method, or via angular service.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

cachize-decorator & service

Implements in-memory caching using decorators & angular service using Map<key:string, any>.

  • Gets the value from cache if the key is provided.
  • If no value exists in cache, then check if the same call exists in flight, if so return the subject. If not create a new Subject inFlightObservable and return the source observable.
  • Can also handle caching on methods with returns observables too(only one!).
  • Cache Service is an observables based in-memory cache implementation
  • Keeps track of in-flight observables and sets a default expiry, key for cached values
    key structure - prefix : _cachized_val, suffix will be method's name & its argument combinations (uniqueness)


  • ttl (DEFAULT: 30min): time-to-live
  • async (DEFAULT: true): whether the original method is asynchronous (returns Observable)
  • log (DEFAULT: false) print to console for each cache getter


As Decorator

This can be used in any app(React, Angular or Vue). as it is just a Decorator on any method. Decorator method params(both are optional).

  • fn - function to generate unique hash(key), if not provided uses inline original method arguments.
  • options - config options
import cachize from 'cachize-decorator';


someMethod() {
 return this.http.get('/api/userroles');
@cachize(() => 'somekey')
someMethod() {
  return this.http.get('/api/countries');
@cachize({ ttl: 100, async: false })
somemethod() {
  return 'abc';
@cachize((params: any) => `key_${params}`, { log: true })
someMethod() {
  return this.http.get('/api/userroles');

As Service

This can be used in any Angular app, which uses the same implementation.

Service has one get method with arguments

  • fallback: Observable
  • keyHash: Unique Key can be a Function or string
  • options: config options(same as decorator)

import CacheService from 'cache-decorator-service';
constructor(private readonly cacheService: CacheService){}


return this.cacheService.get(this.http.get('/api/accounts'));  
return this.cacheService.get(this.http.get('/api/accounts'), 'somekey');  
return this.cacheService.get(this.http.get('/api/accounts'), 'somekey', { log: true });  
return this.cacheService.get(this.http.get('/api/accounts'), (params: any) => `key_${params}`,);  
return this.cacheService.get(this.http.get('/api/accounts'), (params: any) => `key_${params}`, { log: true });  


https://gist.github.com/ashwin-sureshkumar/4e86617ab3757e075de160748e3ea132 https://github.com/vilic/memorize-decorator