
Django Google Mailer is a Django package which uses Gmail API to send emails to users as an administrator.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Django Google Mailer

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Django Google Mailer is a Django package which uses Gmail API to send emails to users as an administrator.


. venv/bin/activate
make setup
make run


django-admin startproject mysite && cd mysite
python3 -m venv venv && . venv/bin/activate

pip install django
pip install ../django-google-mailer/dist/django-google-mailer-0.1.tar.gz

echo "urlpatterns += [path('gmailer/', include('gmailer.urls')),]" >> mysite/urls.py

python manage.py makemigrations && python manage.py migrate
python manage.py runserver localhost:8000