
Project for HACKX

Primary LanguageJavaScript

How to setup the development environment ?

  1. Clone this repository and do cd FinoJR
  2. Run command npm install and then npm start
  3. Open localhost in the browser [Default port is 3000 so open http://localhost:3000 in browser]

Project for HackX by Scaler

Theme: Build an application to teach student's about financial education

Short Project Idea: Show children how money compounding works by data visualization.

Brief Information: To teach children about financial education, we have implemented 3 sections:

  1. What if money is invested vs not-invested: In this section, we show the difference between what if the child invested the money in any land or gold or any metal vs what if that same money is stored in a piggy bank (i.e not invested but saved) 1

  2. Investing the money in Lump sum: In this section, we show how money compounds if we invest the money in any scheme which gives regular fixed return. 2

  3. Investing the money every month: In this section, we show how money compounds if we invest the fix ammount of money ever month in any scheme which gives regular fixed return. 3

To simplify this process of learning, we are using recharts to show nice data visualization of the compounding of money over the years.

Technology used:

  1. ReactJs
  2. MaterialUI
  3. Recharts library

Contribution Guidelines

Option 1: Find an existing issue

  1. Navigate to the issues tab in the repository where you can find the list of open issues that you can contribute to
  2. Find an issue you are interested in, and ask for it to be assigned to you in the comments.

Option 2: Report an Issue

  1. If you come across some issue in the project, or if you think you could make something better, create a new issue.
  2. This can be done by navigating to the Issues tab in the repository and clicking on "New Issue"

How to start working on the issue

  1. Fork the repository. You can do this by clicking the Fork button on the top of the repository.
  2. In the terminal window of your computer, navigate to the folder where you want to save the repository.
  3. Clone the repository by typing the following command:
git clone <repository url>
  1. Create a new branch in your repository and navigate to it. This can be done by
git checkout -b <branch name>
  1. Make the necessary changes, and push them to your GitHub repository.
  2. Submit a pull request in the original repository.

How to submit a Pull Request

  • Once you update your repository, GitHub automatically shows you the option to submit a Pull Request.
  • Another way to submit a Pull Request is, navigate to the Pull Requests tab in the original repository and click on "New Pull Request"

Before you submit a Pull Request

Make sure you are making proper commits. A proper commit would be including the exact changes you made.

Example: "Added Documentation" would be an ideal commit. "Fix" or "Update" are examples of bad commits.