
4th Place Solution(NikhilMishra's Part for Kaggle's competition Detection of Sleep States)

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

This is my part of 4th Place Solution for the Child Mind Institute - Detect Sleep States (Kaggle competition).

Detailed Document: https://www.kaggle.com/competitions/child-mind-institute-detect-sleep-states/discussion/459637

How to Reproduce (for Competition Organizers)


  • Cloud Service Used: https://cloud.jarvislabs.ai/ (RTX6000 Ada x 1)
  • Cloud Service Framework: Tensorflow-2.12
  • CPU: AMD EPYC 7713 64-Core Processor
  • GPU: NVIDIA RTX 6000 Ada (48 GB)
  • RAM: 128 GB


  • Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS

3rd-party software

  • Python: 3.8.10
  • Cuda: 12.2


- Only the additional packages to be installed have been mentioned in requriements.txt (pip install -r requirements.txt)
- Rest of the packages are already present in the cloud service provider VM


  1. Upload competition dataset in /kaggle/input/child-mind-institute-detect-sleep-states

    • i.e. /kaggle/input/child-mind-institute-detect-sleep-states/train_series.parquet, etc... in the data folder as specified in settings.json
    • settings.json has the path specified relative to the notebooks
  2. Run following notebook to prepare input dataset:

    • nbs/data_preprocessing.ipynb
  3. Run follwing notebooks to train models:

    • nbs/fm_v13.ipynb
    • nbs/fm_v15.ipynb
    • nbs/fm_v20.ipynb
    • nbs/fm_v21.ipynb
  4. ensembling_experiments.ipynb is notebook is not required to generate the final submission but you can use to see a basic ensembling example. A mix of manual and automatic hyperparmeter tuning was used to tune the weights for WBF.


  • To avoid OOM, free memory when each notebook is finished executing by restarting the notebook or killing the kernel.


Please use this inference code for the final submitted solution https://www.kaggle.com/code/nikhilmishradev/fork-of-cmi-dss-final-sub-blend-new-postprocess

You can find the original competition inference code here https://www.kaggle.com/nikhilmishradev/cmi-dss-final-sub-blend-new-postprocess

  • Both are the same (except the new one has retrained models to check reproducibility)
  • Retrained models are marked as "-final" at the end

Supplemental Information for Competition Organizers