
A repo to backup all the dot files on my system

Primary LanguageShell


A repo to backup all the dot files on my system


  • F11 - Fullscreen
  • Alt + Tab to change apps
  • Alt + Esc to change focus between panes
  • WSL/Windows Subsystem for Linux/Bash on Ubuntu on Windows Keyboard Shortcuts
    • Alt + Enter for fullscreen
  • VSCode Cheatsheet
    • Ctrl + Shift + P for Command Palette
    • Ctrl + K V for Markdown Preview or Ctrl + Shift + V
    • Ctrl + K Z for Zen Mode
    • Ctrl + P to search files
    • Shift + Alt + F to format document
    • Ctrl + K Ctrl + F to format selection
    • Alt + Z to toggle text-wrapping
  • Hyper Keyboard Shortcuts
    • Ctrl + Shift + T for new tabs
    • Ctrl + Tab for navgating through tabs
    • Ctrl + Shift + D to split a tabs horizontally and + E for vertically
    • Ctrl + PgDown/PgUp to navigate through panes
  • Chrome Shortcuts
    • Ctrl + Shift + Tab or Ctrl + Tab or Ctrl + [#] to change tabs
    • Ctrl + W to close the tab
    • Ctrl + T for new tab
    • Ctrl + Shift + T to restore closed tab
    • Ctrl + Shift + N to start incognito
  • Vimium in Chrome Keyboard Shortcuts
    • o for url and O for url in new tab

Tips/Easter Eggs

  • Use bash -c "[replace with command]" to run bash commands from Run (Win+R)
  • Use Chrome.exe --app={link} in Run (Win+R) to get a minimal view of the website
  • :help42 in vim
  • apt-get moo
  • sudo apt-get install sl
  • To use windows link (with spaces etc.) in bash, put them in "".
  • - is used to refer to standard input. For instance, ls | diff file1 - will do a diff on the output of ls with file1
  • Useful for multi-tasking: Use Ctrl + Win + D to create a new desktop and Win + Tab to move stuff around desktops. After this set up multiscreen for all apps in each desktop. Now, use 4 fingers for a touchpad gesture to switch between desktops which is basically switching between apps because of full screen.

Getting to my current configuration

  • Install Chrome, Vimium on Bash, Bash on Windows, Zsh in bash, Hyper and VSCode
    • Remember to hide old repos in local GitHub folder by changing workspace setting
      • Hidden rn:
        "files.exclude": {
            "**/.git": true,
            "**/.svn": true,
            "**/.hg": true,
            "**/CVS": true,
            "**/.DS_Store": true,
            "**/.vscode": true,
            "**/DevCircleTorontoHackathon-master": true,
            "**/Grade12_Assignments": true,
            "**/hungr.ai": true,
            "**/MessengerBotsHackathon": true,
            "**/mrgoose": true,
            "**/hyperzsh": true,
            "**/solarized": true,
            "**/wsl-terminal": true,
  • Set up aliases in Bash and use the same file for Zsh
  • Current Theme for Hyper: hyper-adventure-time
  • Current Theme for Zsh: Hyperzsh. Make edits in GitHub\hyperzsh\hyperzsh.zsh-theme
  • Set up .git/config properly. Or use Post Git based on powershell
    • Use ssh://git@github.com/username/repo.git instead https://github.com/username/repo.git
  • Edit file .hyper.js in c/users/{username} and add local plugins in c/users/{username}/.hyper_plugins
  • Plugins installed in Hyper so far:
     // 'hyper-pane',
     // 'hyper-hover-header',
     // need a "," add a new plugin on the next line
    • Suggestion: Download the source repo and add it as local plugin for additional customization
  • Extensions installed on VSCode
    • mostly recommended ones
    • add one for pdf viewing

Common Fixes

  • Forcing Git to overwrite local changes:
    git fetch --all
    git reset --hard origin/<branch_name>
    • Alternatively, save your current local commits by creating a branch from master before resetting
      git checkout master
      git branch new-branch-to-save-current-commits
      git fetch --all
      git reset --hard origin/master
    • Stackflow answer link

Tools for a power user aka maximum productivity

  • Boomerang for gmail: For scheduling, "snoozing", tracking emails and followups
  • ZoomIt: To zoom in your screen during presentations/screen sharing
  • Calendly: This makes scheduling calls with leads much much easier.
  • Snagit: All-in-one solution for screenshots
  • Camstasia: Screen Recording + (easy) Video Editing


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