Oronium Dashboard

Main Technologies

  • Next.js: For server-rendered React applications.
  • React: For building the user interface components.
  • Tailwind CSS: For styling the dashboard.
  • TypeScript: For type-checking and improving code quality.
  • ESLint: For linting the codebase.
  • Prettier: For code formatting.
  • PostCSS: For transforming styles with JS plugins.
  • Autoprefixer: For adding vendor prefixes to CSS.

Codebase Organization

  • The app directory contains the main application files, including layout, loading, not-found, and individual pages like profile, settings, and store.
  • The components directory holds reusable components like Header and Navbar.
  • The public directory contains static assets like images and SVG icons.
  • Configuration files like .eslintrc.json, next.config.mjs, postcss.config.js, prettier.config.cjs, and tsconfig.json are present in the root directory.
  • The README.md provides information on how to run the project and additional resources.
  • The package.json file lists the project dependencies, devDependencies, and scripts for development, building, starting, and linting the project.