
Simple init container to bootstrap application data in a new k8s cluster.

Primary LanguagePython

K8S App Bootstrap

Simple init container to bootstrap any application data in k8s by storing a simple tar.gz archive in selfhosted filebrowser.

ENV Vars


  • FILEBROWSER_URL (str): filebrowser url
  • FILEBROWSER_USER (str): filebrowser user
  • FILEBROWSER_PASSWORD (str): filebrowser password
  • NAME (str): data bootstrap archive name without .tar.gz extension


  • STRIP_ARCHIVE_ROOT (bool): strip the top level directory inside the archive (default is true)
  • DESTINATION (str): destination path where to extract the data (default is /init)
  • FILEBROWSER_DIR (str): filebowser directory where the archives are located (default is bootstrap)



nix build '.#dockerImage'
docker load < result
docker run -it k8s-app-bootstrap:$HASH

For $HASH see docker images output.

NOTE: The nix build container is broken. The os.system instructions do not work inside the container?! For now we use a standard Dockerfile to build the container