
Thank you for your interest in Dataframe!

You'll be assigned either the Frontend or Backend project. Please aim to dedicate 4-6 hours on the project, and push your work to a private Github repo.

Some coding guidelines:

  • Make commits frequently and do not squash commits when pushing to remote. You should be committing more frequently than you normally would at a job. This will help us see not only the final work product, but also how you think / iterate on your solution.

Backend project:

Currently, the Documents API provides CRUD operations on the Documents model. When retrieving a list of documents, you can programmatically order it by an attribute such as name, last update date, etc. Your goal is to add manual ordering. From a UX perspective, this will be used by FE engineers to build out a drag-and-drop ordering system where users can drag to reorder documents in a list.

Some technologies you may find useful to reference in completing this project:

Frontend project:

As of now, the FE skeleton read-only text template, but let's build this into a WYSIWYG markdown editor that persists its contents in the API. Build out the application features to support the following requirements:

  • State management and API requests are abstracted in MobX stores
  • The current document state is persisted to the DB
  • User input is saved efficiently wrt network requests
  • Display useful feedback info wrt saving: the current saving status + "last updated" timestamp
  • BONUS points for additional product- or user-centric improvements!

Helpful Resources


To lift up the api:

make api

To create a new migration file:

docker ps
docker exec -it 318942bcead9 /bin/bash
cd models/migrations/
alembic revision --autogenerate

To lift up the react app:

make app

To run tests:

  • ensure make api is running
make test