
A demostration project that makes a request to wunderground Api, saves the response to h2 db and exposes the data with a rest api

Primary LanguageJava

Project Demonstration

In order to run the project

  1. git clone https://github.com/nikifmak/Spring-boot-Demo.git

  2. cd Spring-boot-Demo

  3. mvn clean package Or ./mvnw clean package

  4. java -jar target/demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

  5. the exposed info can be accessed from localhost:8080/api/metrics/

The default spring profile is prod that accesses the wunderground api.


Every class used containts a small description at its beginning.

The main class is the DemoApplication.java. In the following section the applcation is briefly outlined:

 * Main Class of the spring boot application responsible for bootstrapping the tomcat
 * along with the application.
 * CommandLineRunner is used so that when the application runs:
 * 1. A http request is executed to fetch the data from the wunderground api with
 * the help of HttpRequestService
 * 2. The returned json is converted to pojo with the help of JsonDeserializerService
 * 3. Through getters and setters the 4 :
 *       a. Max percentage humidity -> maxhumidity
 *       b. Max Temp in C -> maxtempm
 *       c. Min Temp in C -> mintempm
 *       d. Precipitation in mm -> precipm
 *     are accessed through the DailySummary object that summarizes the requested info for NY
 *     for the given day
 *     4. The WeatherInfo pojo is constructed that encapsulates the 4 aforementioned details
 *     5. Through the WeatherInfoRepository the WeatherInfo pojo is saved in the h2 in memory db
 *     (The jpa is responsible for creating the needed db tables as WeatherInfo is annotated
 *     with @Entity jpa annotation)
 *  6. Any step is logged appropriately and should any fail, no object is saved.
 *  7. If everything goes ok then the pojo is saved in the db and can be accessed with the
 *  help of WeatherInfoRepository from the db and exposed with the MetricsController
 *  to the url localhost:8080/api/metrics

Run Parameters supported

java -jar -Dspring.profiles.active=dev -Dapi.default.key=2312313


java -jar demo.jar --spring.profiles.active=dev --api.default.key=123131
  1. api.default.key can be used in order to run the application with a different api key
  2. For local development dev spring profile is supported for full logs and for a local node.js express server that exposes the same json as wunderground api. The server is located in demo/serverfile directory and requires npm i and node index.js to run in port 3000.