
A numerical analysis of the causal action principle of causal fermion systems (https://causal-fermion-system.com/)

Primary LanguagePython

Numerical Analysis of The Causal Action Principle in Low Dimensions

This is code accompanying the paper Numerical Analysis of The Causal Action Principle in Low Dimensions.


We have tested this code with Python 3.9 and rely on the following packages

  • jax
  • jaxlib
  • numpy
  • absl-py
  • scipy

Simply install the dependencies in the requirements.txt file via pip:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Note that due to some breaking changes, our code is not compatible with the latest versions of jax and jaxlib.

Running the code

Individual local runs

A single optimization can be performed using the main run.py driver file. All arguments are described in the file directly. The most important ones are the number of particles f, the spin dimension n, and the number of spacetime points m. For example, a single optimization can be performed via

python run.py --f=4 --n=2 --m=128 --seed=42

All other options are also described in the paper.


To reproduce the results in the paper, larger sweeps over many settings and multiple random seeds are required. We provide a driver script to automatically perform all required runs on a slurm managed compute cluster. The script cluster_submit.py automatically schedules all the runs required to reproduce any given plot in the paper, where the sweeps required for the different settings are stored in configs.py. To reproduce all results of the paper at once, and to see examples of how to call cluster_submit.py, see the run_all_experiments.sh script.

Reading and interpreting results

Here we describe how to interpret and use the output of a single optimization. The 3 most important files placed in the output_dir of a run.py run are: flags.json, results.npz, parameters_last.npz

  1. The flags.json file is a simple json file containing the settings for this run. This file will also contain a whole host of other specific settings for this run, which are not really important for our purposes here.
  2. The results.npz file contains the results that were collected throughout the optimization such as weights (m x 1), spectra (m x 2 n), hamiltonians (m x f x f), xs (m x f x f), n, f, m and should be self-explanatory from the keys as well as shapes.
  3. The parameters_last.npz is an additional file containing the raw optimization parameters at the final step of the optimization. Even though there is redundancy, the raw optimization parameters are not as easily interpretable as the higher level results in results.npz. These are mostly useful to continue optimization later form the final results of a prior run or to reconstruct some details missing in results.npz. It contains the following entries:
    • 'weights': the final weights for the m space-time points (WARNING: these are not the actual weights, but the corresponding optimization parameters, i.e., not normalized) (dimensions: m x 1)
    • 'pos_spectrum': the logs of the positive part of the spectra (dimensions: m x n)
    • 'neg_spectrum': the logs of the negative part of the spectra (dimensions: m x n)
    • 'block_ul': (roughly) the parameters for the upper left block of the Hamiltonians (dimensions: m x 2n x 2n)
    • 'block_ur': (roughly) the parameters for the upper right (and lower left) block of the Hamiltonians (dimensions: m x 2n x f)

The results are stored via the numpy library in python. In Python we can easily read them via

import numpy as np

data = np.load('path/to/file/results.npz')

n = data['n']
f = data['f']
m = data['m']
action = data['action']
weights = data['weights']

# and so on for the other entries