What the application does

  • Fetches hotel data in cities using openstreetmap.org data
  • Stores hotel data locally
  • Allows to search through simple hotel data locally


  • Base code is not good, provided tests aren't good either
  • We encourage to modify existing tests and write a new ones

Improvements needed

  • Improve search speed, warmup doesn't need to happen on every search (see failing test, discuss with engineers)
  • New feature: Allow to search through hotels in a specific city (see failing test)
  • New feature: Allow to add "Coat of arms"(Ģērbonis) image url to City and expose it in search results
  • Please refactor code to your liking (e.g. too much logic in the controller)

What is done (develop branch)

1. Implemented City model for better OOP approach

2. Added City creation seeds

3. Moved Hotel fetching from a controller to a rake task

4. Added model relations and validations

5. Added scope to Hotel model for searching by hotel name

6. Created methods that return specific City or Hotel data and a method that returns data of a Hotel collection

7. Refactored existing tests and added new ones

What's inside container

App was created using

rails new . --api

To start application locally, run this inside container

bundle && bundle exec rails s -b

Run tests

bundle && bundle exec rspec