TK8: A multi-cloud, multi-cluster Kubernetes platform installation and integration tool based on Kubespray!
TK8 is a CLI written in Golang to deploy the upstream Vanilla Kubernetes fully automated based on Kubespray on any environment. We'll provide kubeadm support as soon kubeadm HA support is available through Kubespray project.
With TK8 you can also install additional add-ons such as a Jmeter Cluster for load testing, Prometheus for monitoring, Jaeger, Linkerd or Zippkin for tracing, Ambassador API Gateway with Envoy for ingress and load balancing, Istio for service mesh support , Jenkins-X for CI/CD and Helm or Kedge for packaging on Kubernetes.
This release supports the Kubernetes installation on AWS and OpenStack / Bare-Metal with HA capabilities.
N.B: MS Azure and GCP support will be added in the very near future.
go get -u
docker pull kubernautslabs/tk8
You can either use the cli to install a supported addon in an existing Kubernetes cluster or to provision and install Kubernetes on the supported platforms. The basic usage instructions are as below:
tk8 [command]
Available Commands:
addon Install kubernetes addon packages
cluster Used to create kubernetes cluster on cloud infrastructures
help Help about any command
--config string uses the config.yaml
-h, --help help for tk8
-t, --toggle Help message for toggle
Use "tk8 [command] --help" for more information about a command.
tk8 addon [flags]
-m, --heapster Deploy Heapster
-h, --help help for addon
-l, --ltaas Deploy Load Testing As A Service
-p, --prom Deploy prometheus
Global Flags:
--config string Path to the config.yaml
docker run -it --name tk8 -v ~/.kube/config:/root/.kube/config kubernautslabs/tk8 tk8 addon [flags]
tk8 cluster [flags]
tk8 cluster [command]
Available Commands:
aws Manages the infrastructure on AWS
baremetal Manages the infrastructure on Baremetal
init Initialise kubespray repository
openstack Manages the infrastructure on Openstack
-h, --help help for cluster
Global Flags:
--config string Path to the config.yaml
Use "tk8 cluster [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Specific platform instructions can be found in the official documentation or in docs
docker run -it --name tk8 -v ~/.ssh/id_rsa:/root/.ssh/id_rsa kubernautslabs/tk8 cluster [flags] [command]