
K8S Lab: 3 nodes setup: k8s-master + 2 worker nodes on digital ocean (Centos 7 box)

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K8S Lab: 3 nodes setup: k8s-master + 2 worker nodes on Digital Ocean (centos 7).


  1. Digital Ocean Account with Personal Access Token (read & write permissions)
  2. Supported Host OS:
  • Linux
  • MacOS
  1. Vagrant >= 2.2.5(Vagrant Installation Guide)
  2. Vagrant plugins:
  • vagrant-digitalocean (vagrant plugin install vagrant-digitalocean)
  1. Ansible >= 2.8.2 (Ansible Installation Guide)
  2. Supported Guest OS: digital_ocean (vagrant box add digital_ocean)

How to Create K8S Lab

DO_API_KEY=<your token>
./k8s-cluster.sh create

How to Destroy K8S Lab

DO_API_KEY=<your token>
./k8s-cluster.sh delete

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