
simple prometheus app

Primary LanguageRuby

Supported Platforms

  1. MacOS
  2. Linux
  3. Windows


  1. Virtualbox >= 5.2.26
  2. Vagrant >= 2.1.5
  3. Install plugins
    • vagrant-docker-compose vagrant plugin install vagrant-docker-compose
    • guest additions plugin vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest

How to Run

vagrant up


Provide a Vagrantfile, based on Virtual box which:

  • Start a Linux server
  • Install Docker daemon
  • Prometheus with Alertmanager as docker flavor
  • Deploy node exporter
  • Grafana as a dashboard to Prometheus
  • Add Alert for having less than 50% free disk space,
  • and this should be displayed on Grafana

Versions Tested

Prometheus Grafana Node Exporter Alertmanager
2.10.0 6.2.5 0.18.1 0.17.0


  • You will be prompted to choose from bridged network interfaces when running vagrant up. Please choose the one that has connection to internet.

  • My laptop does not have any disk which has less than 50% free space. To test alert is working I changed the threshold to >= 95% of free disk space. Triggerd alerts example you can find in img dir

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