This repo contains Supporting Materials for the article "Challenges and Opportunities for Machine Learning Potentials in Transition Path Sampling: Alanine Dipeptide and Azobenzene Studies" by Nikita Fedik, Wei Li, Nicholas Lubbers, Benjamin Nebgen, Sergei Tretiak, Ying Wai Li
📄 PREPRINT on ChemRxiv - v2 uploaded
📄 Final article on publisher site - will be added after publication
If you have any comments/questions/requests, feel free to contact me:
HIP-NN-TS potential:
hippynn - official github repo of HIP-NN-TS code
HIP-NN - original paper
HIP-NN-TS [tensor-sensitive] - new paper
HIP-NN-TS trained to ANI-1x in TPS article
best model used for all results except active learning section: models/hipnnts_data_ani1x_only_before_al_seed533257
HIP-NN-TS trained to ANI-1x + 10800 structures from TPS trajectories in active learning section
path to model: models/hipnnts_data_ani1x_tps_10800_dataseed0_modelseed<x>
path to training script: models/
docs for loading pretrained model
ANI-1X potential
TorchAni -
TorchAni - paper
ANI - original paper
All ANI-1x calculations in the article were done by vanilla TorchANI with parameters defined in
ANI-1x database
download ANI-1x dataset (5.21 GB)
ANI-1x - "Less is more" paper
alanine dipeptide (AD)
12000 points most visited configurations from TPS trajectories
train data: /data/AD/10800_seed0-<x>.npy
test data: /data/AD/1200_seed0-<x>.npy
where x:
- E_formatioin_QM_kcal_mol = formation energies (full DFT E - E of all atoms) | kcal/mol
- G_QM_kcal_mol_A = gradients (not forces) | kcal/mol/A
- R = atomic positions | Angstrom
- Z = atomic numbers corresponsing to coordinates in R array
azobenzene (AZ)
full isomzerization path at DFT/UDFT levels
path is a concatenation of (reopt of last + IRC to trans-AD + TS + IRC to cis-AD + reopt of last IRC point)
inversion path | closed-shell DFT: /data/AZ/
rotation path | open-shell DFT: /data/AZ/
OpenPathSampling - Python package for TPS
TPS - comprehensive review
ASE - Atomic Simulation Environment