
REST API for Netflix catalogue. Built API endpoints to receive HTTP requests and send back response JSON data. Filtering also implemented

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Built a Netflix Catalgoue REST API server to allow sending HTTP requests to the server and recieving back response object with requested data. Built filtering method to query for a specific film, genre, actor, etc and return films that correspond.

How to Set Up the REST API server to test out the project I built:

  1. Clone/Download the project to your local folder/directory
  2. Install all the node_modules that are in the netflix-app/node)modules
  3. If you do not want to install all node_modules, just install nodemon, express, joi modules
  4. After installed, run nodemon server.js and go to http://localhost:3000/
  5. The REST API is up and running, send some requests to it. You can also use POSTMAN app to send requests to it too.

Available endpoints and their functionalities and HTTP methods

Screenshot 2022-03-28 at 21 43 50