
This case study addresses key questions about Neo-Banks through Data Exploration Analysis using SQL.

NeoBank SQL Analysis


Neo-Banks, the latest breakthrough in the financial sector, are revolutionizing traditional banking by introducing digital-only institutions devoid of physical branches. These innovative financial platforms offer customers convenient and streamlined banking experiences, challenging the conventional model. However, to fully understand the impact and potential of Neo-Banks, it is essential to undertake a comprehensive data exploration analysis, examining the nodes and transactions involved. This case study aims to address crucial questions surrounding this emerging phenomenon.

Tool Used

  • SQLite for SQL analysis.

Dataset Schema



In conclusion, the analysis of the Regions, Customer Nodes, and Customer Transactions datasets using SQL has provided valuable insights into the new innovation in the financial industry known as Neo Bank. By exploring key questions and examining various aspects of the dataset, we have gained a deeper understanding of how these digital banks are considered the world's most secure data storage platforms.

The Data Exploratory Analysis (EDA) have illuminated on important factors, such as the random distribution of customers across nodes based on their region, which indicates the specific node containing their cash and data. This random distribution changes frequently to minimize the risk of hackers accessing the Neo Bank's system and stealing customers' money and data. Additionally, insights were gained into customer trasactions (such as deposits, withdrawals, purchases) made using their Neo Bank debit card.

By leveraging the insights obtained from this analysis,it will help banks to make informed decisions and guide strategic decision-making processes about customer preferences and potential areas for improvement. This knowledge can help optimize their offerings and services, ensuring enhanced customer experiences and security of Neo Banks.