
This repository contains the implementation for the paper "From {Solution} Synthesis to {Student Attempt} Synthesis for Block-Based Visual Programming Tasks"

Primary LanguagePython

From {Solution} Synthesis to {Student Attempt} Synthesis for Block-Based Visual Programming Tasks

This repository contains the implementation for the paper "From {Solution} Synthesis to {Student Attempt} Synthesis for Block-Based Visual Programming Tasks".


The repository has the following structure:

  • code/: this folder contains files required for the evaluation of our techniques (RandD, EditD, EditEmbD, NeurSS, SymSS, TutorSS) on the benchmark StudentSyn.
  • data/: this folder contains data necessary for the evaluation.
  • outputs/: this is the output folder where the evaluation results will be stored.

The implementation requires python >= 3.7.9 to run. Required packages can be installed by running pip install -r requirements.txt. Next, we present the procedure for obtaining discriminative and generative evaluation results.

Obtaining results

The results for the discriminative evaluation for all techniques (RandD, EditD, EditEmbD, NeurSS, SymSS, TutorSS) can be obtained by running the following commands. The results will be stored in outputs/discriminative/.

  • python -m code.get_discriminative_results --source_task hoc4

  • python -m code.get_discriminative_results --source_task hoc18

The generated student codes for techniques with a generative capability (NeurSS, SymSS, TutorSS) can be obtained by running the following commands. The results will be stored in outputs/generative/.

  • python -m code.generate_codes --source_task hoc4

  • python -m code.generate_codes --source_task hoc18

NOTE: To run the above commands, you need to first create embeddings of the student data and train solution synthesizers for hoc4/hoc18 as described below.

Creating embeddings

For the techniques (editEmbD, neurSS), an embedding-network is required that can generate embeddings of the student data. We provide pre-trained embedding-networks for the two reference tasks in data/embD/hoc4/model_ID/ and data/embD/hoc18/model_ID/. Alternatively, new embedding-networks can be trained by running the commands below.

  • python -m code.embeddings.train_embeddings --task hoc4 --cmd train --model_dir model_new
  • python -m code.embeddings.train_embeddings --task hoc18 --cmd train --model_dir model_new

The trained embedding-networks will be stored in data/embD/hoc4/model_new/ and data/embD/hoc18/model_new/.

Next, you need to create embeddings of the student data by running the commands below. Before executing these commands, the student data should be present in data/student/ and the embedding-networks should be present in data/embD/hoc4/model_1/ and data/embD/hoc18/model_1/. The --model_dir argument can be used to specify a different embedding-network.

  • python -m code.embeddings.train_embeddings --task hoc4 --cmd create_emb
  • python -m code.embeddings.train_embeddings --task hoc18 --cmd create_emb

The embeddings will be stored in data/embD/hoc4/model_1/ and data/embD/hoc18/model_1/.

Training solution synthesizers for NeurSS

In order to train solution synthesizer models, synthetic training data needs to be generated. The training data for hoc4/hoc18 respectively can be obtained by running the commands below.

  • python -m code.neurSS.generate_data.generate_training_data --num_examples 50000,2500,2500 --num_io 2 --dataset_name data --patience 10 --num_cores 1 --task hoc4

  • python -m code.neurSS.generate_data.generate_training_data --num_examples 200000,2500,2500 --num_io 2 --dataset_name data --patience 0 --num_cores 1 --task hoc18 --num_iterations 1000

The synthetic training data will be stored in data/neurSS/hoc4/training_data/ and data/neurSS/hoc18/training_data/. The --num_cores argument can be used for parallel data generation. We note that the data generation process for hoc18 will take a significant amount of time.

You can train solution synthesizers for hoc4 and hoc18 by running the commands below.

  • python -m code.neurSS.synthesizer.train --data data --rotate True --run_id trained_synth_1 --val_freq 1 --epochs 100 --task hoc4 --override

  • python -m code.neurSS.synthesizer.train --data data --rotate True --run_id trained_synth_1 --epochs 100 --batch_size 128 --val_freq 1 --task hoc18 --override

The synthesizer models will be stored in data/neurSS/hoc4/runs/ and data/neurSS/hoc18/runs/.

Standalone evaluation scripts

We provide scripts to evaluate individual techniques in different experimental conditions and evaluation scales.

To evaluate the discriminative performance of different techniques, we provide the script in code/exp_discriminative/single_run.py. The --model_name argument specifies the technique used for the evaluation and can be set to {randD, editD, editembD, neurSS, symSS, tutorSS}. The results will be stored in outputs/discriminative/. See the script for additional input arguments. As an example, you can run the command below.

  • python -m code.exp_discriminative.single_run --model_name editD

To generate student codes for a technique with a generative capability, we provide the script in code/exp_generative/generate.py. The --model_name argument specifies the technique used for the generation and can be set to {neurSS, symSS, tutorSS}.. The results will be stored in outputs/generative/. See the script for additional input arguments. As an example, you can run the command below.

  • python -m code.exp_generative.generate --model_name tutorSS

Data directory

  • benchmark/: this folder contains the benchmark StudentSyn.
  • embD/: this folder contains pre-trained embedding-networks.
  • neurSS/: this folder is a placeholder where the solution synthesizer models for NeurSS will be stored.
  • student/: this folder is a placeholder where the code.org student data should be present.
  • symSS/hoc18/: this folder contains extra information required by the SymSS model for the hoc18 reference task.
  • tutorSS/: this folder contains the discriminative and generative results for TutorSS.

Outputs directory

  • discriminative/: this folder is a placeholder where the results for the discriminative evaluation will be stored.
  • generative/: this folder is a placeholder where the results for the generative evaluation will be stored.
  • saved_benchmarks/: this folder is a placeholder where benchmark instances generated during evaluation will be stored.