There are three Python programs here (-h for usage):

  • ./rerank chooses the best candidate translations from a k-best list using a linear model.
  • ./oracle computes a lower bound of BLEU on the development data.
  • ./compute-bleu computes the BLEU score of a set of translations.

The commands are designed to work in a pipeline. For instance, these are valid invocations:

python rerank | python compute-bleu

python oracle | python compute-bleu

The data/ directory contains training, devlopment, and test data.

  • train.src: Russian source sentences.
  • train.ref: English reference sentences.
  • train.100best: Candidate translations of train.src from a machine translation system.
  • dev+test.src: Russian source sentences.
  • dev.ref: English references sentences for the first half of dev+test.src.
  • dev+test.100best: Candidate translations of dev+test.src.