
Repository Links


This repo will be used to share information about the tools and resources we use in this class and also to share information about myself. This page will be useful for anyone wanting to learn about Web Apps or looking for resources.

Recommended Tools

The only tools required to publish a repo with GitHub Pages is an internet source and a web browser. I prefer to use Firefox but alot of people use Chrome. Both are great web browers that are easy to use and are linked below. That being said GitHub Pages uses Markdown Files which in turn uses the Markdown Language. Markdown is a text-to-HTML tool that converts your plain text into valid HTML. There are many good resources on the internet that show you how to use Markdown step by step. Below is the offical GitHub help page for Markdown. Additionaly if you want to do work locally from your computer intsead of the website you can download git bash and a text editor such as Visual Studio Code or Notepadd++.

Recommended Resources

I haven't done much web development but I found this great resource for Full Stack Development that provides links to virtually any topic you could think of. That being said I have some resources that I haved used in the past that have served me well and may be of use to you also.

  • If your just starting out or want to learn on the go Enki and SoloLearn are free resources that allow you to learn new skills and languages on your mobile platform.
  • If your having trouble understanding a topic/language or just want to learn more w3schools and of course StackOverflow are great resources to get help from.
  • The professors and the help sessions at Northwest are also great resources that allow you to get real help in person. Take advantage of the resources afforded to you as a student.


My name is Chase W Smith and I'm a Computer Science Senior here at Northwest. I dont really have any photos of just me so heres one of me and m'lady on vacation this summer.