Biomimetic robot "StriRus"

We introduce a modification for legged locomotion and methods for biomimetic centipede robot design. Biomimetic centipede robots can be well-suited to a number of applications, including search-and-rescue around demolished rubble, logistics in rocky and hazardous areas, and more. The design space for such robots is quite large, with numerous open possibilities for body and leg shapes, configurations, and numbers of components.

In contrast to similar robotic platforms proposed prototype can move in any direction without changing orientation. Moreover, proposed design allows robot to operate in either omni-direction or conventional states without changing components.


Robot hardware


Module descriptions

Software preliminary requirements



[1] O. Bulichev, A. Klimchik, and N. Mavridis, “Optimization of centipede robot body designs through evolutionary algorithms and multiple rough terrains simulation,” in 2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), 2017, pp. 290–295.

[2] O. Bulichev and A. Klimchik, “Concept Development Of Biomimetic Centipede Robot StriRus,” in 2018 23rd Conference of Open Innovations Association (FRUCT), 2018, pp. 85–90.