I am an avid AI, NLP, Deep learning and competitive programming enthusiast. I'm currently a research AI scientist @ InCyan
InCyanBath, UK
Pinned Repositories
This is a much more in-depth project of text classification using SpaCy, where Amazon food reviews dataset was used
A repository of all problems I've practiced from various coding platforms. This repo will be updated regularly as and when questions have been solved
This repo contains codes and projects on some high level data structures in Python, based on a Codecademy course
My implementation of simple Land cover classification using Keras. This was part of one of my internships
All my work during semester 1 of my Master’s degree in Data Science at the University of Bath
This repo contains the files I worked on and my submission notebooks on Kaggle for the Jigsaw Multilingual Toxic Comment Classification contest
A data science challenge where you have to predict the human sentiment scores based on the Headline and the title, and according to the date given and the Social media platforms
For the final project of the PAYPAL REST API fundamentals Value Added Program, we were asked to make a REST API for a Product Management System. My project is called GENESYS, and this repo contains the swagger documentation of this API.
Using FAIR's detectron2 to detect vehicle number plates accurately. This is part of my task for L&T Techgium 2020, for which my team has been selected for the national finals
nikjohn7's Repositories
This is a much more in-depth project of text classification using SpaCy, where Amazon food reviews dataset was used
My implementation of simple Land cover classification using Keras. This was part of one of my internships
A repository of all problems I've practiced from various coding platforms. This repo will be updated regularly as and when questions have been solved
A data science challenge where you have to predict the human sentiment scores based on the Headline and the title, and according to the date given and the Social media platforms
This repo contains codes and projects on some high level data structures in Python, based on a Codecademy course
Using FAIR's detectron2 to detect vehicle number plates accurately. This is part of my task for L&T Techgium 2020, for which my team has been selected for the national finals
My solution to Kaggle's Getting started, "Natural Language Processing with Disaster Tweets" competition. Uses GloVe + BiLSTM
This repo contains the files I worked on and my submission notebooks on Kaggle for the Jigsaw Multilingual Toxic Comment Classification contest
This repo contains all files I created while doing the Node.js REST API with Express & MongoDB Udemy course by Rapid Dev Pro
All my work during semester 1 of my Master’s degree in Data Science at the University of Bath
For the final project of the PAYPAL REST API fundamentals Value Added Program, we were asked to make a REST API for a Product Management System. My project is called GENESYS, and this repo contains the swagger documentation of this API.
Collection of Artificial Intelligence Algorithms implemented on various problems
Simple text classification on a research paper and conference dataset
Classifying traffic signs from the GTSRB dataset using Vanilla NN. I'm using Google Colab as my system doesn't have a GPU
A project based on supervised learning as part of the Udacity ML Nanodegree program. Feel free to fork this project and work on it, as there can be multiple ways to approach this problem
Join the GitHub Graduation Yearbook and "walk the stage" on June 5.
This a project implementing a key features in Unsupervised Learning, right from preprocessing and cleaning the data, to feature extraction via PCA. This was a submission for a Udacity project
This repo contains files for classifying images of 102 types of flowers. It can be run from a Jupyter notebook, or via a command line application
These are some good starter ML projects that I curated for a workshop on ML where I was invited as a speaker
All files, codes, notebooks, links, datasets etc that I worked on as part of the Udacity Machine Learning Nanodegree
The standard project every Machine Learning enthisiast should have worked on. Image classification on the famous MNIST dataset. I'm using Google Colab as my system doesn't have a GPU
This repository contains the material that was taught as part of a Value added program on REST API Fundamentals and Design conducted by PayPal at VIT Chennai.
As part of being shorlisted for the PayPal Value Added Program on REST APIs being held in VIT Chennai, this was a mini project assigned to us. I have created 'NOVISSIMO', a portal that can be implemented in colleges/universities to enable efficient management of courses in the institution
In this project, I've created a neural network to predict certain patterns in bike rental data.
This repository contains a detailed explanation and code to my winning solution to the RPS competition on Kaggle. I achieved rank 22 and a silver medal for the same
Training AI agents with deep reinforcement learning to play through the Green Hill Zone in Sonic. Implemented DQN, Prioritized Experience Replay, and Double DQN in PyTorch+Gym Retro to teach control policies. Best agent scored over 7000 points.
Web application with Python/Flask backend API interacting with sqlite DB to enable traffic data collection and analysis. Implements user management, session tracking, adding/undoing entries, generating statistics, and exporting reports. Backed passes comprehensive automated test suite.