Calendly-Clone-App(Appointly) Backend APIs

This Node.js project is the backend for an application that clones the main functionalities of Calendly. The included functionalities are:

  • Basic User Authentication(Sign Up and Login)
  • Book an Appointment
  • Define slots during the day when user is available for appointments
  • Perform CRUD operations on the Booked Appointments


The REST APIs that make up this backend application is written in Node.js, using the Express framework. MongoDB, a NoSQL database is used, with Mongoose used to leverage the ODM pattern.


  • POST - auth/signup
  • POST - auth/login
  • POST - booking/book-appointment
  • PUT - booking/update-appointment/:bookingId
  • GET - booking/get-hosted-appointments/:hostMail
  • GET - booking/get-guest-appointments/:guestMail
  • GET - booking/get-all-appointments/:userMail
  • GET - booking/booking-details/:userMail
  • DELETE - booking/delete-appointment/:bookingId
  • GET - slot/active-slots
  • POST - slot/update-slots

Running the Application

Assuming that Node.js runtime is already setup in the machine, you can run this application locally as follows:

  • Clone the Repo
  • From within the cloned directory, run npm install to sintall all the required packages and dependencies
  • After installation completes, run node server.js

Live Application

This application has been deployed at