
A native TrayIcon for Java using Gtk on Linux, and standard SystemTray on other operating systems to bypass the old transparent background issue.

Primary LanguageJava


A Java TrayIcon library that allows you to use Gtk if supported on Linux to get past the background issue in Java's TrayIcon, which likely won't be fixed any time soon.


The project is temporarily hosted on my personal maven repository, which you can add to your pom.xml using this:

               <name>Nikkii.us Repository</name>

And include it in your dependencies:



Note: TrayIcon in this example is in package org.nikkii.jtray, while PopupMenu and MenuItem are java.awt

TrayIcon icon = new TrayIcon(ImageIO.read(new File("icon.png")));

PopupMenu menu = new PopupMenu();

menu.add(new MenuItem("Test"));



Possible Issues

XInitThreads may not be needed, and objects may leak when removing icons, at least for the native side. I'm no master with Gtk, and I did the best that I could.