Lesson 17 & 18


  • Function types & differences: expressions, declarations, anonymous functions, higher order functions, IIFEs, functions in objects
  • Hoisting
  • this context


[x] Create a standard html + js application [x] Write the same function using function declaration and function expression syntax: [x] What are the main differences? [x] Be sure to log the this keyword in each function - what does it reference in each function [x] Explain how hoisting affects functions and how they are ordered in a file [x] Write your own Higher Order function (a function that takes another function as an argument). HINT: think about methods of like Array.map & filter - this is the same principle (higher order functions). This is also very similar to the principle of callbacks. [x] The higher order function should pass the function argument another argument [x] Implement your own higher order function two ways: [x] Pass an anonymous function as the argument [x] Pass a function declaration [] Write an IIFE 3 ways (the IIFE can do anything): [] anonymous function expression [] anonymous function declaration [] a function declaration [x] Create an object that has: [x] 2 properties like first and last name [x] has a function that can log those properties [x] Have a look at this code - you should see the differences between function expressions and declarations as properties of an object. ` const chris = { name: "Chris", getName() { // function declaration console.log('hi my name is', this.name) }, getName2: () => { // function expression console.log('hi my name is', this.name) } }

console.log(chris.getName()) console.log(chris.getName2()) `