- 3
- 4
- 1
add type definitions for typescript
#36 opened by anthony-nhs - 1
- 2
support directory missing in 0.8.0
#34 opened by anthony-nhs - 1
Async Support
#32 opened by jesusdruizb - 2
invalid xml (status=WITH_ERRORS) when run the validator on Node docker image with JAVA
#31 opened by fadiakkad - 0
Add ability to use utility via CLI
#3 opened by nikku - 4
Bitbucket pipeline: Error: Java SDK required at JAVA_HOME or in path to compile validation helper
#30 opened by ivcho02 - 7
XSD validation inside bpmnlint-playground
#27 opened by tboni91 - 1
Can't find the xsd file
#26 opened by alexvrv - 12
- 1
Work in "javaless" environments?
#25 opened by johnmakridis - 1
XSD as a string
#19 opened by daniels20000 - 1
[question] find xsd by xsi:schemaLocation
#23 opened by joneldiablo - 8
Unhandled error when Java not available
#21 opened by mfsasso - 3
Use of Java Incompatible with AWS Lambda
#20 opened by shellscape - 2
FreeBSD11x64: validation problem
#16 opened by a5ter0id - 12
Validator does not work behind a proxy
#17 opened by hassanNS - 1
Spawn error
#15 opened by dobobaie - 1
Support for <xi:include> needed
#10 opened by CaptainPalapa - 2
Not presenting expected errors
#14 opened by Heucles - 1
Validator hangs if something other than a string or readable stream is passed in as xml parameter
#12 opened by ajkerr - 6
Big xml processing
#7 opened by kovalav - 2
Use english as language for error messages
#6 opened by artworkad - 1
#4 opened by token97 - 4
javac in Windows
#1 opened by mappetz