
Tools for simulating coherent X-ray scattering intensities from molecular dynamics trajectories (under development).

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

Molecular Dynamics/X-ray Coherent Scattering

This repository contains code for the Python package mdxcs, an acronym for molecular dynamics/x-ray coherent scattering. The package provides code to compute coherent X-ray scattering intensities from molecular dynamics trajectories.

Please note this package is under active development.


We consider atomistic molecular dynamics trajectories (i.e., non-coarse-grained), which are typically treated as quasi-periodic systems under the minimum image convention. Most simply, such trajectories consist of a series of snapshots ('frames'), each of which is defined as a periodic cell (the 'unit cell', if you like) filled with $N$ atoms (say). We should like to compute coherent X-ray scattering intensities using the structural information encoded by such trajectories.

The total coherent (that is to say, elastic) scattering is given by the sum of the so-called self-scattering (which contains no structural information) and the distinct scattering (the interference term that provides two-body information),

$$I(\mathbf{Q}) = I_\text{self}(\mathbf{Q}) + I_\text{d}(\mathbf{Q})$$

where $I(\mathbf{Q})$ is the (anisotropic) scattering intensity as a function of momentum transfer, $\mathbf{Q}$.

Assuming we are considering an isotropic scatterer (e.g., a macroscopically-homogeneous system, such as a liquid),1 then the appropriate (atomistic) formalism is the Debye scattering equation (DSE),2

$$I(Q) = \sum_{i=1}^N{\sum_{j=1}^N{f_j^*(Q)f_i(Q)\frac{\sin{Qr_{ij}}}{Qr_{ij}}}}$$

where $I(Q)$ is the scattering intensity as a function of the modulus of the momentum transfer, $Q$ (which is related to the elastic scattering angle, $2\theta$, by $Q = |\mathbf{Q}| = 4\pi\sin{\theta}/\lambda$ for X-rays of wavelength $\lambda$), $f_i(Q)$ is the X-ray scattering form factor for atom $i$, the double-summation is over all pairs of atoms $(i, j)$, and $r_{ij}$ is the distance between atoms (scatterers) $i$ and $j$.3

For isotropic systems, this equation is the most general formula to calculate coherent scattering intensities, under the independent atom approximation.4 As such, this code implements the DSE directly, making no approximations. The accuracy of the results is limited by (a) the size of the simulation cell (a source of finite-size errors), and (b) user-controlled parameters defining the quantization of the calculation.

RDF-based scattering calculation

Nevertheless, the code does not actually compute the DSE in the form given above. Rather, taking advantage of efficient codes to compute real-space radial distribution functions (RDFs) from MD simulation data, we essentially compute the Fourier transform of the DSE, as follows.

Assume we have a trajectory consisting of $M$ frames ($\{f_i\}_{i=1,\dots,M}$), each of which contains $N$ atoms ($\{a_i\}_{i=1,\dots,N}$). Suppose we classify all atoms into types $\alpha, \beta, \gamma, \dots$, such that each type is composed of a single element (there may be distinct atom types of the same element). Then the coherent scattering intensity arising from a single frame of the trajectory can be computed according to,

$$\begin{align} &I_{\mathrm{coh},f_k}(Q) = \sum_\alpha{N_\alpha f_\alpha(Q)^2} + \\\ &\sum_\alpha{\sum_\beta{f_\alpha(Q)f_\beta(Q)\frac{N_\alpha\left(N_\beta - \delta_{\alpha\beta}\right)}{V_{f_k}}\int_0^\infty{4\pi r^2 \left(g_{\alpha\beta, f_k}(r) - g_{0,\alpha\beta} \right)\frac{\sin{Qr}}{Qr}\mathrm{d}r} }} \end{align}$$

where $V_{f_k}$ is the volume of the simulation cell, $g_{\alpha\beta, f_k}(r)$ is the pair radial distribution function (RDF) for atom types $\alpha$ and $\beta$ computed from frame $f_k$, and $g_{0,\alpha\beta}$ is the (theoretical) limit of the RDF as $r\to\infty$ ($g_{0,\alpha\beta} = 1$ for collections of freely-diffusing atoms, while $g_{0,\alpha\beta} = 0$ for collections of atoms bound in a single molecule). The first term in the sum provides the self-scattering while the second provides the distinct scattering. Implicit in the double summation above is that when $\alpha = \beta$, only distinct atom pairs are selected in the computation of the RDF (the $\alpha = \beta$ case for self-pairs is separated out in the first sum).


Under construction...


Pending a full release on PyPI, one can simply clone this repository:

>> git clone https://github.com/niklasbt/mdxcs_dev.git

For ease of access, you can export the package to PYTHONPATH:

>> export PYTHONPATH=<path>/mdxcs:$PYTHONPATH

Or, if you like:

>> echo 'export PYTHONPATH=<path>/mdxcs:$PYTHONPATH' >> ~/.<rc file>
>> source ~/.<rc file>


>> python mdxcs_dev/tests/test_all.py


As currently built, mdxcs depends on:

  • itertools (likely to change)
  • json
  • mdtraj
  • numpy
  • periodictable
  • pytables
  • scipy


  1. That is, homogeneous with respect to the coherence volume of the incident X-rays. Or: the characteristic coherence length of the material under illumination is much smaller than the characteristic length over which incident X-rays remain coherent. Otherwise we move towards 'Diffuse Coherent Diffraction Imaging', in analogy to BCDI.

  2. See: Guinier, A. (1994). X-ray Diffraction In Crystals, Imperfect Crystals, and Amorphous Bodies. New York: Dover Publications; https://doi.org/10.1088/0953-4075/48/24/244010.

  3. Note that the limit of the final factor is well defined when the distance shrinks to zero, so this expression is well-defined for the self-scattering contribution.

  4. Of course, really the most general formula would utilize the actual electron density, but the independent atom approximation is an efficient ansatz.