Factorio Blueprint Optimiser

To run an instance, a parameter file is needed
Samples are stored in /param

Run with:
python factorio_opt.py --param [path to param file] (--max_recipes [n]) (--max-bpp [n]) (--keep-files) (--save-log)

NB: Savile Row must be in $PATH

--param (required): The parameter file to use
--max_recipes (optional): How many attempts are allowed of the recipe stage (default 100)
--max_bpp (optional): How many attempts are allowed of the bin-packing stage per recipe stage attempt (default 100)
--keep-files (optional): Whether to keep non-solution Savile Row output (default False)
--save-log (optional): Whether to store the error log in the output folder (default False)

Output is stored in /out in a folder named for the parameter file and time