CancelledError and TimeoutError when using multithreaded Stockfish to analyze certain sequence of board positions.
OsaRobots opened this issue · 5 comments
I'm getting a CancelledError when analyzing a sequence positions in a given game from a public dataset, and I'm really unsure how to debug it.
Minimal code to reproduce:
import os
import chess.engine
import numpy as np
import chess
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
import pandas as pd
def get_curr_board_analysis_w_root(engine_path, fen, move_uci, depths):
scores = []
board = chess.Board(fen)
move = chess.Move.from_uci(move_uci)
with chess.engine.SimpleEngine.popen_uci(engine_path) as engine:
info = [engine.analyse(board, chess.engine.Limit(depth=d), root_moves=[move]) for d in depths]
scores = [i["score"] for i in info]
nodes = [i["nodes"] for i in info]
analysis_dict = {"scores": scores,
"nodes": nodes}
return analysis_dict
def board_analysis_with_thread_pool_w_root(sf_path, boards, moves, depths=list(range(1,15))):
mworkers = min(32, (os.cpu_count() or 1) + 4)
s = []
n = []
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=mworkers) as executor:
# Using map to preserve order
analysis_dicts = fen, move: get_curr_board_analysis_w_root(sf_path, fen, move, depths), boards, moves)
for dct in analysis_dicts:
return np.asarray(s), np.asarray(n)
def diff_for_game(game, sf_path):
fens = list(game.board)
moves_uci = list(game.move)
s = 1
e = 15
d = list(range(s,e+1))
scores_wr, nodes_wr = board_analysis_with_thread_pool_w_root(sf_path, fens, moves_uci, depths=d)
stockfish_path = ".../stockfish_14_linux_x64_avx2/stockfish_14_x64_avx2"
data = {'move': ['b8c6', 'f1c4', 'e7e6', 'd2d3', 'g8e7', 'f3g5', 'd7d5', 'e4d5', 'e7d5', 'c4d5',
'd8d5', 'b1c3', 'd5f5', 'f2f3', 'h7h6', 'g2g4', 'f5e5', 'c3e2', 'h6g5', 'c1f4', 'g5f4', 'a2a3',
'e5d6', 'b2b4', 'c5b4', 'a3b4', 'd6b4','d1d2', 'b4d2', 'e1d2', 'f8b4', 'd2d1',
'c8d7', 'a1b1', 'e8g8', 'e2d4', 'c6d4', 'h1e1', 'b4e1','d1e1', 'd4f3','e1e2',
'f3h2', 'e2f2', 'h2g4','f2f3', 'g4f6', 'd3d4', 'f8d8', 'c2c3', 'd7b5', 'b1b5',
'a7a6', 'b5b7', 'a8b8', 'c3c4', 'b8b7', 'c4c5', 'd8d4'],
'board': ['rnbqkbnr/pp1ppppp/8/2p5/4P3/5N2/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKB1R b KQkq - 1 2',
'r1bqkbnr/pp1ppppp/2n5/2p5/4P3/5N2/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKB1R w KQkq - 2 3',
'r1bqkbnr/pp1ppppp/2n5/2p5/2B1P3/5N2/PPPP1PPP/RNBQK2R b KQkq - 3 3',
'r1bqkbnr/pp1p1ppp/2n1p3/2p5/2B1P3/5N2/PPPP1PPP/RNBQK2R w KQkq - 0 4',
'r1bqkbnr/pp1p1ppp/2n1p3/2p5/2B1P3/3P1N2/PPP2PPP/RNBQK2R b KQkq - 0 4',
'r1bqkb1r/pp1pnppp/2n1p3/2p5/2B1P3/3P1N2/PPP2PPP/RNBQK2R w KQkq - 1 5',
'r1bqkb1r/pp1pnppp/2n1p3/2p3N1/2B1P3/3P4/PPP2PPP/RNBQK2R b KQkq - 2 5',
'r1bqkb1r/pp2nppp/2n1p3/2pp2N1/2B1P3/3P4/PPP2PPP/RNBQK2R w KQkq - 0 6',
'r1bqkb1r/pp2nppp/2n1p3/2pP2N1/2B5/3P4/PPP2PPP/RNBQK2R b KQkq - 0 6',
'r1bqkb1r/pp3ppp/2n1p3/2pn2N1/2B5/3P4/PPP2PPP/RNBQK2R w KQkq - 0 7',
'r1bqkb1r/pp3ppp/2n1p3/2pB2N1/8/3P4/PPP2PPP/RNBQK2R b KQkq - 0 7',
'r1b1kb1r/pp3ppp/2n1p3/2pq2N1/8/3P4/PPP2PPP/RNBQK2R w KQkq - 0 8',
'r1b1kb1r/pp3ppp/2n1p3/2pq2N1/8/2NP4/PPP2PPP/R1BQK2R b KQkq - 1 8',
'r1b1kb1r/pp3ppp/2n1p3/2p2qN1/8/2NP4/PPP2PPP/R1BQK2R w KQkq - 2 9',
'r1b1kb1r/pp3ppp/2n1p3/2p2qN1/8/2NP1P2/PPP3PP/R1BQK2R b KQkq - 0 9',
'r1b1kb1r/pp3pp1/2n1p2p/2p2qN1/8/2NP1P2/PPP3PP/R1BQK2R w KQkq - 0 10',
'r1b1kb1r/pp3pp1/2n1p2p/2p2qN1/6P1/2NP1P2/PPP4P/R1BQK2R b KQkq - 0 10',
'r1b1kb1r/pp3pp1/2n1p2p/2p1q1N1/6P1/2NP1P2/PPP4P/R1BQK2R w KQkq - 1 11',
'r1b1kb1r/pp3pp1/2n1p2p/2p1q1N1/6P1/3P1P2/PPP1N2P/R1BQK2R b KQkq - 2 11',
'r1b1kb1r/pp3pp1/2n1p3/2p1q1p1/6P1/3P1P2/PPP1N2P/R1BQK2R w KQkq - 0 12',
'r1b1kb1r/pp3pp1/2n1p3/2p1q1p1/5BP1/3P1P2/PPP1N2P/R2QK2R b KQkq - 1 12',
'r1b1kb1r/pp3pp1/2n1p3/2p1q3/5pP1/3P1P2/PPP1N2P/R2QK2R w KQkq - 0 13',
'r1b1kb1r/pp3pp1/2n1p3/2p1q3/5pP1/P2P1P2/1PP1N2P/R2QK2R b KQkq - 0 13',
'r1b1kb1r/pp3pp1/2nqp3/2p5/5pP1/P2P1P2/1PP1N2P/R2QK2R w KQkq - 1 14',
'r1b1kb1r/pp3pp1/2nqp3/2p5/1P3pP1/P2P1P2/2P1N2P/R2QK2R b KQkq - 0 14',
'r1b1kb1r/pp3pp1/2nqp3/8/1p3pP1/P2P1P2/2P1N2P/R2QK2R w KQkq - 0 15',
'r1b1kb1r/pp3pp1/2nqp3/8/1P3pP1/3P1P2/2P1N2P/R2QK2R b KQkq - 0 15',
'r1b1kb1r/pp3pp1/2n1p3/8/1q3pP1/3P1P2/2P1N2P/R2QK2R w KQkq - 0 16',
'r1b1kb1r/pp3pp1/2n1p3/8/1q3pP1/3P1P2/2PQN2P/R3K2R b KQkq - 1 16',
'r1b1kb1r/pp3pp1/2n1p3/8/5pP1/3P1P2/2PqN2P/R3K2R w KQkq - 0 17',
'r1b1kb1r/pp3pp1/2n1p3/8/5pP1/3P1P2/2PKN2P/R6R b kq - 0 17',
'r1b1k2r/pp3pp1/2n1p3/8/1b3pP1/3P1P2/2PKN2P/R6R w kq - 1 18',
'r1b1k2r/pp3pp1/2n1p3/8/1b3pP1/3P1P2/2P1N2P/R2K3R b kq - 2 18',
'r3k2r/pp1b1pp1/2n1p3/8/1b3pP1/3P1P2/2P1N2P/R2K3R w kq - 3 19',
'r3k2r/pp1b1pp1/2n1p3/8/1b3pP1/3P1P2/2P1N2P/1R1K3R b kq - 4 19',
'r4rk1/pp1b1pp1/2n1p3/8/1b3pP1/3P1P2/2P1N2P/1R1K3R w - - 5 20',
'r4rk1/pp1b1pp1/2n1p3/8/1b1N1pP1/3P1P2/2P4P/1R1K3R b - - 6 20',
'r4rk1/pp1b1pp1/4p3/8/1b1n1pP1/3P1P2/2P4P/1R1K3R w - - 0 21',
'r4rk1/pp1b1pp1/4p3/8/1b1n1pP1/3P1P2/2P4P/1R1KR3 b - - 1 21',
'r4rk1/pp1b1pp1/4p3/8/3n1pP1/3P1P2/2P4P/1R1Kb3 w - - 0 22',
'r4rk1/pp1b1pp1/4p3/8/3n1pP1/3P1P2/2P4P/1R2K3 b - - 0 22',
'r4rk1/pp1b1pp1/4p3/8/5pP1/3P1n2/2P4P/1R2K3 w - - 0 23',
'r4rk1/pp1b1pp1/4p3/8/5pP1/3P1n2/2P1K2P/1R6 b - - 1 23',
'r4rk1/pp1b1pp1/4p3/8/5pP1/3P4/2P1K2n/1R6 w - - 0 24',
'r4rk1/pp1b1pp1/4p3/8/5pP1/3P4/2P2K1n/1R6 b - - 1 24',
'r4rk1/pp1b1pp1/4p3/8/5pn1/3P4/2P2K2/1R6 w - - 0 25',
'r4rk1/pp1b1pp1/4p3/8/5pn1/3P1K2/2P5/1R6 b - - 1 25',
'r4rk1/pp1b1pp1/4pn2/8/5p2/3P1K2/2P5/1R6 w - - 2 26',
'r4rk1/pp1b1pp1/4pn2/8/3P1p2/5K2/2P5/1R6 b - - 0 26',
'r2r2k1/pp1b1pp1/4pn2/8/3P1p2/5K2/2P5/1R6 w - - 1 27',
'r2r2k1/pp1b1pp1/4pn2/8/3P1p2/2P2K2/8/1R6 b - - 0 27',
'r2r2k1/pp3pp1/4pn2/1b6/3P1p2/2P2K2/8/1R6 w - - 1 28',
'r2r2k1/pp3pp1/4pn2/1R6/3P1p2/2P2K2/8/8 b - - 0 28',
'r2r2k1/1p3pp1/p3pn2/1R6/3P1p2/2P2K2/8/8 w - - 0 29',
'r2r2k1/1R3pp1/p3pn2/8/3P1p2/2P2K2/8/8 b - - 0 29',
'1r1r2k1/1R3pp1/p3pn2/8/3P1p2/2P2K2/8/8 w - - 1 30',
'1r1r2k1/1R3pp1/p3pn2/8/2PP1p2/5K2/8/8 b - - 0 30',
'3r2k1/1r3pp1/p3pn2/8/2PP1p2/5K2/8/8 w - - 0 31',
'3r2k1/1r3pp1/p3pn2/2P5/3P1p2/5K2/8/8 b - - 0 31']
data_g = pd.DataFrame(data)
r = diff_for_game(data_g, stockfish_path)
CancelledError Traceback (most recent call last)
File ~/.conda/envs/chess-env/lib/python3.12/asyncio/, in wait_for(fut, timeout)
519 async with timeouts.timeout(timeout):
--> 520 return await fut
File ~/.conda/envs/chess-env/lib/python3.12/site-packages/chess/, in UciProtocol.initialize(self)
1508[key] = value
-> 1510 return await self.communicate(UciInitializeCommand)
File ~/.conda/envs/chess-env/lib/python3.12/site-packages/chess/, in Protocol.communicate(self, command_factory)
1131 self.command._cancel(self)
-> 1133 return await command.result
Before the CancelledError, I also get the below warning:
RuntimeWarning: A loop is being detached from a child watcher with pending handlers
which repeats itself a bit more than 10 times before I eventually get a TimeoutError
caused by the CancelledError
. This 'CancelledError' has the following traceback:
TimeoutError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[19], line 1
----> 1 r = diff_for_game(data_g, stockfish_path)
Cell In[18], line 120, in diff_for_game(game, sf_path)
117 e = 15
118 d = list(range(s,e+1))
--> 120 scores_wr, nodes_wr = board_analysis_with_thread_pool_w_root(sf_path, fens, moves_uci, depths=d)
Cell In[18], line 77, in board_analysis_with_thread_pool_w_root(sf_path, boards, moves, depths)
73 with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=mworkers) as executor:
74 # Using map to preserve order
75 analysis_dicts = fen, move: get_curr_board_analysis_w_root(sf_path, fen, move, depths), boards, moves)
---> 77 for dct in analysis_dicts:
78 s.append(dct['scores'])
79 n.append(dct['nodes'])
File ~/.conda/envs/chess-env/lib/python3.12/concurrent/futures/, in<locals>.result_iterator()
616 while fs:
617 # Careful not to keep a reference to the popped future
618 if timeout is None:
--> 619 yield _result_or_cancel(fs.pop())
620 else:
621 yield _result_or_cancel(fs.pop(), end_time - time.monotonic())
File ~/.conda/envs/chess-env/lib/python3.12/concurrent/futures/, in _result_or_cancel(***failed resolving arguments***)
315 try:
316 try:
--> 317 return fut.result(timeout)
318 finally:
319 fut.cancel()
File ~/.conda/envs/chess-env/lib/python3.12/concurrent/futures/, in Future.result(self, timeout)
447 raise CancelledError()
448 elif self._state == FINISHED:
--> 449 return self.__get_result()
451 self._condition.wait(timeout)
453 if self._state in [CANCELLED, CANCELLED_AND_NOTIFIED]:
File ~/.conda/envs/chess-env/lib/python3.12/concurrent/futures/, in Future.__get_result(self)
399 if self._exception:
400 try:
--> 401 raise self._exception
402 finally:
403 # Break a reference cycle with the exception in self._exception
404 self = None
File ~/.conda/envs/chess-env/lib/python3.12/concurrent/futures/, in
55 return
57 try:
---> 58 result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
59 except BaseException as exc:
60 self.future.set_exception(exc)
Cell In[18], line 75, in board_analysis_with_thread_pool_w_root.<locals>.<lambda>(fen, move)
72 n = []
73 with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=mworkers) as executor:
74 # Using map to preserve order
---> 75 analysis_dicts = fen, move: get_curr_board_analysis_w_root(sf_path, fen, move, depths), boards, moves)
77 for dct in analysis_dicts:
78 s.append(dct['scores'])
Cell In[18], line 58, in get_curr_board_analysis_w_root(engine_path, fen, move_uci, depths)
55 board = chess.Board(fen)
56 move = chess.Move.from_uci(move_uci)
---> 58 with chess.engine.SimpleEngine.popen_uci(engine_path) as engine:
59 info = [engine.analyse(board, chess.engine.Limit(depth=d), root_moves=[move]) for d in depths]
61 scores = [i["score"] for i in info]
File ~/.conda/envs/chess-env/lib/python3.12/site-packages/chess/, in SimpleEngine.popen_uci(cls, command, timeout, debug, setpgrp, **popen_args)
3048 @classmethod
3049 def popen_uci(cls, command: Union[str, List[str]], *, timeout: Optional[float] = 10.0, debug: bool = False, setpgrp: bool = False, **popen_args: Any) -> SimpleEngine:
3050 """
3051 Spawns and initializes a UCI engine.
3052 Returns a :class:`~chess.engine.SimpleEngine` instance.
3053 """
-> 3054 return cls.popen(UciProtocol, command, timeout=timeout, debug=debug, setpgrp=setpgrp, **popen_args)
File ~/.conda/envs/chess-env/lib/python3.12/site-packages/chess/, in SimpleEngine.popen(cls, Protocol, command, timeout, debug, setpgrp, **popen_args)
3043 simple_engine.close()
3044 await simple_engine.shutdown_event.wait()
-> 3046 return run_in_background(background, name=f"{cls.__name__} (command={command!r})", debug=debug)
File ~/.conda/envs/chess-env/lib/python3.12/site-packages/chess/, in run_in_background(coroutine, name, debug, _policy_lock)
198 future.set_exception(exc)
200 threading.Thread(target=background, name=name).start()
--> 201 return future.result()
File ~/.conda/envs/chess-env/lib/python3.12/concurrent/futures/, in Future.result(self, timeout)
454 raise CancelledError()
455 elif self._state == FINISHED:
--> 456 return self.__get_result()
457 else:
458 raise TimeoutError()
File ~/.conda/envs/chess-env/lib/python3.12/concurrent/futures/, in Future.__get_result(self)
399 if self._exception:
400 try:
--> 401 raise self._exception
402 finally:
403 # Break a reference cycle with the exception in self._exception
404 self = None
File ~/.conda/envs/chess-env/lib/python3.12/site-packages/chess/, in run_in_background.<locals>.background()
193 def background() -> None:
194 try:
--> 195
196 future.cancel()
197 except Exception as exc:
File ~/.conda/envs/chess-env/lib/python3.12/asyncio/, in run(main, debug, loop_factory)
190 raise RuntimeError(
191 " cannot be called from a running event loop")
193 with Runner(debug=debug, loop_factory=loop_factory) as runner:
--> 194 return
File ~/.conda/envs/chess-env/lib/python3.12/asyncio/, in, coro, context)
116 self._interrupt_count = 0
117 try:
--> 118 return self._loop.run_until_complete(task)
119 except exceptions.CancelledError:
120 if self._interrupt_count > 0:
File ~/.conda/envs/chess-env/lib/python3.12/asyncio/, in BaseEventLoop.run_until_complete(self, future)
682 if not future.done():
683 raise RuntimeError('Event loop stopped before Future completed.')
--> 685 return future.result()
File ~/.conda/envs/chess-env/lib/python3.12/site-packages/chess/, in SimpleEngine.popen.<locals>.background(future)
3036 simple_engine = cls(transport, protocol, timeout=timeout)
3037 try:
-> 3038 await asyncio.wait_for(protocol.initialize(), timeout)
3039 future.set_result(simple_engine)
3040 returncode = await protocol.returncode
File ~/.conda/envs/chess-env/lib/python3.12/asyncio/, in wait_for(fut, timeout)
516 except exceptions.CancelledError as exc:
517 raise TimeoutError from exc
--> 519 async with timeouts.timeout(timeout):
520 return await fut
File ~/.conda/envs/chess-env/lib/python3.12/asyncio/, in Timeout.__aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)
110 self._state = _State.EXPIRED
112 if self._task.uncancel() <= self._cancelling and exc_type is exceptions.CancelledError:
113 # Since there are no new cancel requests, we're
114 # handling this.
--> 115 raise TimeoutError from exc_val
116 elif self._state is _State.ENTERED:
117 self._state = _State.EXITED
Expected behavior:
The computation should go as normal, getting the score and nodes for every board position in the given game across the provided depths. For reference, this code works perfectly fine for 1400 games before this exact game.
Here's the last thing the logger gets.
DEBUG:chess.engine:<UciProtocol (pid=771543)>: << position fen r1b1kb1r/pp3pp1/2nqp3/8/1P3pP1/3P1P2/2P1N2P/R2QK2R b KQkq - 0 15
DEBUG:chess.engine:<UciProtocol (pid=771543)>: << go depth 15 searchmoves d6b4
DEBUG:chess.engine:<UciProtocol (pid=771543)>: >> info string NNUE evaluation using nn-3475407dc199.nnue enabled
DEBUG:chess.engine:<UciProtocol (pid=771543)>: >> info depth 1 seldepth 1 multipv 1 score cp 1065 nodes 4 nps 2000 tbhits 0 time 2 pv d6b4 e1f2
DEBUG:chess.engine:<UciProtocol (pid=771543)>: >> info depth 2 seldepth 2 multipv 1 score cp 1065 nodes 8 nps 4000 tbhits 0 time 2 pv d6b4 e1f2
DEBUG:chess.engine:<UciProtocol (pid=771543)>: >> info depth 3 seldepth 3 multipv 1 score cp 1065 nodes 13 nps 6500 tbhits 0 time 2 pv d6b4 e1f2 g7g5
DEBUG:chess.engine:<UciProtocol (pid=771543)>: >> info depth 4 seldepth 4 multipv 1 score cp 1065 nodes 21 nps 10500 tbhits 0 time 2 pv d6b4 e1f2 g7g5 d3d4
DEBUG:chess.engine:<UciProtocol (pid=771543)>: >> info depth 5 seldepth 5 multipv 1 score cp 1065 nodes 33 nps 16500 tbhits 0 time 2 pv d6b4 e1f2 g7g5 d3d4 e6e5
DEBUG:chess.engine:<UciProtocol (pid=771543)>: >> info depth 6 seldepth 6 multipv 1 score cp 1065 nodes 48 nps 24000 tbhits 0 time 2 pv d6b4 e1f2 g7g5 d3d4 e6e5 c2c3
DEBUG:chess.engine:<UciProtocol (pid=771543)>: >> info depth 7 seldepth 9 multipv 1 score cp 1065 nodes 148 nps 74000 tbhits 0 time 2 pv d6b4 e1f2 g7g5 d3d4 f8g7 c2c3 b4d6
DEBUG:chess.engine:<UciProtocol (pid=771543)>: >> info depth 8 seldepth 10 multipv 1 score cp 1062 nodes 422 nps 140666 tbhits 0 time 3 pv d6b4 e1f2 g7g5 c2c3 b4d6 d3d4 f8g7 f2g2 e8f8 h2h3
DEBUG:chess.engine:<UciProtocol (pid=771543)>: >> info depth 9 seldepth 14 multipv 1 score cp 1069 nodes 624 nps 208000 tbhits 0 time 3 pv d6b4 e1f2 g7g5 c2c3 b4d6 d3d4 f8g7 f2g2 e8f8 h2h3 a8b8 d1c2 d6d8 a1a4
DEBUG:chess.engine:<UciProtocol (pid=771543)>: >> info depth 10 seldepth 17 multipv 1 score cp 1065 nodes 4163 nps 832600 tbhits 0 time 5 pv d6b4 e1f2 g7g5 d3d4 f8g7 c2c3 b4d6 f2g2 e8f8 h2h3 f8g8 a1a4 f7f6 h1e1
DEBUG:chess.engine:<UciProtocol (pid=771543)>: >> info depth 11 seldepth 17 multipv 1 score cp 1073 nodes 19820 nps 521578 tbhits 0 time 38 pv d6b4 e1f2 g7g5 d3d4 f8g7 c2c3 b4d6 f2g2 e8f8 h2h3 f8g8 d1c2 a8b8 a1d1 f7f6 h1e1 a7a6 d1b1
DEBUG:chess.engine:<UciProtocol (pid=771543)>: >> info depth 12 seldepth 20 multipv 1 score cp 1070 nodes 56638 nps 471983 tbhits 0 time 120 pv d6b4 e1f2 g7g5 a1b1 b4d6 d3d4 f8g7 c2c3 e6e5 b1b2 e8g8 b2d2 e5d4 c3d4
DEBUG:chess.engine:<UciProtocol (pid=771543)>: >> info depth 13 seldepth 24 multipv 1 score cp 1065 nodes 95730 nps 398875 tbhits 0 time 240 pv d6b4 e1f2 g7g5 d3d4 f8g7 c2c3 b4d6 f2g2 e8f8 h1e1 f8g8 h2h3 h8h6 a1a4 a8b8 d1c2 f7f6
DEBUG:chess.engine:<UciProtocol (pid=771543)>: >> info depth 14 seldepth 22 multipv 1 score cp 1062 nodes 178078 nps 223716 tbhits 0 time 796 pv d6b4 c2c3 b4d6 d3d4 g7g5 e1g1 f8g7 g1g2 e8f8 a1a4 f8g8 h2h3 h8h6 d1d3 f7f6 f1d1 e6e5
DEBUG:chess.engine:<UciProtocol (pid=771543)>: >> info depth 15 seldepth 22 multipv 1 score cp 1069 nodes 281233 nps 255666 hashfull 131 tbhits 0 time 1100 pv d6b4 c2c3 b4d6 d3d4 g7g5 d1d3 f8g7 a1d1 e8f8 c3c4 e6e5 d4d5 c6b4 d3c3 f8g8 e1g1 e5e4
DEBUG:chess.engine:<UciProtocol (pid=771543)>: >> bestmove d6b4 ponder c2c3
DEBUG:chess.engine:<UciProtocol (pid=771543)>: Process exited
DEBUG:chess.engine:<UciProtocol (pid=771543)>: Connection lost (exit code: -9, error: None)
The fen "r1b1kb1r/pp3pp1/2nqp3/8/1P3pP1/3P1P2/2P1N2P/R2QK2R b KQkq - 0 15" doesn't even get half way through all the board positions.
Python version: 3.12
python-chess version: 1.10
Operating System: Windows 10 (2.4 GHz Intel Broadwell)
Chess Engine Used: Stockfish 14
Thanks for reporting. I've edited the script slightly to make it runnable, but I don't see the same issue, neither on Linux nor Windows 10. Do you the the issue also with the reduced script, or only in context of a larger program?
Hey sorry for the late reply. It happens in the context of the larger program, but that's key part that seems to crash. It was easy enough to get around for my purposes by just catching the exception and continuing, but still no idea what really causes it. My guess would be some issue with multithreading, since it doesn't happen otherwise. If you want, the issue can be closed though!
Is the larger program something you can share?
I can email it to you privately, if that's okay with you.
Sure, you can reach me at Maybe I can spot something. If not, I am going to give up and close the issue until new information becomes available.