A chess library for Python, with move generation and validation, PGN parsing and writing, Polyglot opening book reading, Gaviota tablebase probing, Syzygy tablebase probing, and UCI/XBoard engine communication
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Black pawn colors are not the correct color
#1124 opened by balbirthomas - 5
strange mistake , after set.fen() and push(move), board.legel_moves generates wrong moves
#1123 opened by startnow2024 - 1
PGN parser fails to parse PGN which starts from space
#1115 opened by mooskagh - 1
Help with PGN to FEN strings with move list
#1120 opened by atenonai - 4
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`chess.pgn.read_headers` inserts empty header entries related to newlines and empty movetext
#1087 opened by MatijaSi - 1
Error while parsing UCI options
#1112 opened by Torom - 5
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Can you put my bot in the examples?
#1111 opened by 42-AH - 2
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Update to have Stockfish 17 Win-Draw-Loss Model
#1108 opened by MX6464 - 2
AttributeError: 'Board' object has no attribute 'see'.
#1107 opened by iHopist - 1
This is a bug??? (but not a problem)
#1106 opened by 9acca9 - 0
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Endgame tables
#1105 opened by st4ck3 - 4
BinaryFen in python-chess
#1099 opened by Torom - 2
module 'chess.pgn' has no attribute 'tell'
#1101 opened by JavierYepez - 5
CancelledError and TimeoutError when using multithreaded Stockfish to analyze certain sequence of board positions.
#1072 opened by OsaRobots - 2
Exception in callback Protocol._line_received('')
#1071 opened by IceboxDev - 2
Add Html Represenation to Boards
#1096 opened by gawebb-dstl - 3
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Feature request: new argument for chess.svg.board()
#1074 opened by toolonely - 1
Moves generators behaviour.
#1091 opened by GabrieleBattaglia - 1
Result not reflected in PGN?
#1095 opened by raquelhortab - 0
#1097 opened by Aditya9960i - 1
Are drops supported for engine moves?
#1092 opened by flashdens - 6
How to communicate with a remote chess engine?
#1083 opened by flashdens - 2
Checking a move.
#1089 opened by GabrieleBattaglia - 2
Converting UCI to SAN.
#1088 opened by GabrieleBattaglia - 0
Encourage/simplify using the last completed score instead of lowerbound/upperbound
#1086 opened by niklasf - 2
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Lichess WDL
#1085 opened by fsmosca - 1
epd parser issue when given a fen
#1080 opened by Tilps - 1
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`illegal san` error message when the first game in a database contains a move in the White or Black header
#1077 opened by johndoknjas - 2
engine.analyse() exits with TimeoutError exception
#1075 opened by robertnurnberg - 0
Parsing a database with `read_game` results in roughly 2 extra results per game
#1076 opened by johndoknjas - 1
[feature request] add `board.san_move_stack` similar to `board.move_stack` to get san format moves
#1066 opened by HarshilPatel007 - 3
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Is this expected or simply a bug?
#1067 opened by djokester - 0
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Incorrect perft(4) with Kiwipete.
#1064 opened by 06davber - 0
always castling rights for clean_castling_rights()
#1063 opened by deboradum - 1
is_variant_draw seems not to work properly
#1056 opened by Corallo - 1
#1054 opened by lucasssoh - 1
flipping the board
#1055 opened by prashant-saxena - 1
Documentation incorrect for chess.Board.turn
#1053 opened by sylthiel