
Ansible playbook to automate setup of a xubuntu workstation

MIT LicenseMIT

This thing does stuff

There are currently 3 roles:

  • Utils:
    • Git configs
    • Shortcuts
    • python and easy_install
    • vim
      • some general packages
  • Appearance
    • Theme: Victory gtk
    • Window manager: Victory gtk
    • Icons: Papirus
    • Panel: Slightly modified xfce4 default panel
    • Terminal: Xfce4 dropdown with Nord theme
  • Programs
    • Chrome
    • Sublime

Appearance screenshots:

Get started

You need to have git installed and the repository cloned.

Install Ansible

sudo apt install ansible

Set vars

Set variables in start.yml

Run the scripts

Each role is tagged with its name, so you can choose which roles you want.

To run everything

ansible-playbook start.yml --ask-become-pass

To run only e.g. appearance and utils

ansible-playbook start.yml --ask-become-pass --tags "appearance, utils"

To skip i.e. appearance

ansible-playbook start.yml --ask-become-pass --skip-tags "appearance"

How to find out what a xfconf setting is called.

The easiest way to find out what the setting is called is by monitoring the channel and manually changing the setting. You need to figure out what channel the setting is connected to first. Then as an example, if we want to change the wallpaper we monitor the xfce4-desktop channel:

niklas@nangijala:~$ xfconf-query -c xfce4-desktop -m
Start monitoring channel "xfce4-desktop":

and then change the wallpaper manually, which will give us the following output:

set: /backdrop/screen0/monitor0/workspace0/last-image

Then simply change the setting with ansible (here we change the wallpaper to a cool one)

- name: Set wallpaper
  shell: "xfconf-query --channel xfce4-desktop --property /backdrop/screen0/monitor0/workspace0/last-image --set {{ install_dir }}/wallpaper.jpg"