
use of clj-rdfa-sesame

Opened this issue · 2 comments


I am making tests using clojure and rdfa.
While i had no problem using the clj-rdfa-jena, I am a bit lost with the sesame implementation.
I don't understand what handler and vf stands for.
Do you think you can add a little example on how to use it or can you give me any hint ?

Many thanks,


PS i also use

Hello! Those are and org.openrdf.model.ValueFactory respectively.

The adapters are mainly made to enable direct use from Java (see the examples, e.g. examples/rdfa_sesame.groovy.

If you use a Clojure-based RDF API, you could also use the clj-rdfa API directly (as exemplified in the adapter code itself).

Hi Niklas,
Many thanks for this informations.
I'll continue to try.

On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 6:05 PM, Niklas Lindström

Hello! Those are and
org.openrdf.model.ValueFactory respectively.

The adapters are mainly made to enable direct use from Java (see the
examples, e.g. examples/rdfa_sesame.groovy

If you use a Clojure-based RDF API, you could also use the clj-rdfa API
directly (as exemplified in the adapter code itself).

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