The future simplest RDF library ever
RDF should be as easy as playing with JSON objects.
Read the original blog post: Towards the future RDF Library
var simple = require('simplerdf')
var context = { 'name': '' }
var me = simple(context)
// You can now edit the foaf name simply with = 'Nicola'
// as well as using the full predicate
me[''] = 'Nicola'
As a Node.js library
npm install --save simplerdf
To generate a browser-ready version:
$ git clone
$ cd simplerdf
$ npm install
$ npm run build-browser
# This will generate `simplerdf.js` that you can load in your web application
// The constructor takes 4 optional parameters:
// `context` is a JSON-LD context, useful if you want to
// map predicates to nice property names
// `uri` is the name of the resource
// `graph` if you want to load an `rdf-ext` graph
// `store` see the FAQ!
var simple = require('simplerdf')
var me = simple({
'name': ''
// You can directly set properties defined in your context = 'Nicola'
// 'Nicola'
// Or you can set the property with a particular type pointer
me[''] = 'Nicola'
// 'Nicola'
// These are interchangable
me[''] = 'Nicola'
You want to enforce an property to be always an array? Pass @array: true
in the schema description!
'name': '',
'knows': {
'@id': '',
'@type': '@id',
'@array': true // Please send a PR if you have a better way to do this
// now we can use me.knows (this will be an array!)
me.knows = [''] (object) { return 'hello' + object })
Note: You just want to do me.knows[0] ? We are implementing this at the moment, stay tuned!
SimpleRDF supports some simple .get/.save. These respects the Linked Data Platform standard (have a look at LDP)
// This gets the iri specified in the constructor
simple(context, iri).get(function(err, g) {
// This saves the graph in the iri specified in the constructor
var g = SimpleRDF(context, iri) = "Nicola"
// Hint for the brave:
// You can also do this
SimpleRDF(context).get(iri1, function (err, g) {, ..)
Imagine the you set the iri
of your graph to be
and you now would like to change the subject to let's say
, you can use .child(iri)
. This will create a new SimpleRDF object.
var amazinglibraries = simple(context, '')
var simplerdf = amazinglibraries.child('')
// done!
Both these functions are setters if passed with a parameter and getters if no parameter is found. .graph()
will give you access to an rdf-ext graph, .graph(newGraph)
will replace the current graph with the new graph. .iri()
will give you the iri
that is the subject of your simple object. Finally .iri(newIri)
will replace your subject
See other working examples
var context = {
'name': '',
'homepage': {
'@id': '',
'@type': '@id'
var me = SimpleRDF(context, '') = 'Nicola'
me.homepage = ''
console.log(me.toString()) // this returns turtle!
- Only subject-centric queries (e.g.
graph.match(you_know_this[, predicate, object])
) - Schemas must be typed
Note: If you want to use any of these two properties, then you want a proper low-level library like rdf-ext or rdflib, or send a PR!
Of course, when you require it, use the lite version
var simple = require('simplerdf/lite')
Of course, there are plenty of rdf-ext stores availabe, here are some:
- rdf-store-fs to use the file system as database
- rdf-store-inmemory to use memory - can be handy if you are using multiple graphs
Now, when you create a SimpleRDF object you can do the following:
var store = require('rdf-store-fs')
var graph = SimpleRDF(context, iri, graph, store)
You mean..
var simpleObject = SimpleRDF()
// ... //
simpleObject.graph().match(subj, pred, obj)
Coming soon
- Support of ES6 Proxy
- No need to specify context
- Use uri as context
- Simple array support (e.g.
- Simple query language