
Part 1

Exercise Directory
1.01 main-app
1.02 project
1.03 main-app
1.04 project
1.05 project
1.06 project
1.07 main-app
1.08 project
1.09 main-app and ping-pong
1.10 main-app and ping-pong
1.11 main-app and ping-pong
1.12 project
1.13 project

The images defined in the deployments use the :latest tag. This is not a good practice in production but is here used for quicker deployment of changed containers. In production it is recommended to use fixed container labels or sha checksums to reduce possible problems with newer containers.

The project is labeled as seen in the exercises. The releases can be found here.

Part 2

Exercise Directory
2.01 main-app and ping-pong
2.02 project
2.03 main-app and ping-pong
2.04 project
2.06 main-app and ping-pong
2.07 main-app and ping-pong
2.08 project
2.09 project
2.10 project

Part 3

Exercise Directory
3.01 ping-pong
3.02 main-app and ping-pong
3.03 project
3.04 project
3.05 project
3.06 project
3.07 project
3.08 project
3.09 main-app and ping-pong
3.10 project

Part 4

Exercise Directory
4.01 main-app and ping-pong
4.02 project
4.03 root
4.04 project
4.05 project

Exercise 3.01

Since the containers were built for arm64 I had to rebuild them to work on GCP. I did this with docker build --platform linux/amd64 -t niklasmtj/ping-pong . which will build an amd64 container image.

➜  ping-pong git:(main) ✗ k apply -f gke-manifests
configmap/pingpong-create-db-cm unchanged
deployment.apps/ping-pong created
persistentvolumeclaim/image-claim unchanged unchanged
service/ping-pong-svc unchanged
service/postgres-svc unchanged
statefulset.apps/postgres-ss configured
➜  ping-pong git:(main) ✗ k get pods --watch
NAME                        READY   STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
ping-pong-b584578db-bqktv   0/1     ContainerCreating   0          11s
postgres-ss-0               1/1     Running             0          23m
ping-pong-b584578db-bqktv   1/1     Running             0          30s
➜  ping-pong git:(main) ✗ k get svc
NAME            TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP    PORT(S)        AGE
ping-pong-svc   LoadBalancer   80:30431/TCP   23m
postgres-svc    ClusterIP      None           <none>         5432/TCP       23m

Exercise 3.02

I had to rebuild my containers for linux/amd64 with: docker build --platform linux/amd64 -t niklasmtj/main-app-server -f Dockerfile.server . and docker build --platform linux/amd64 -t niklasmtj/main-app-generator -f Dockerfile.generator .

➜  main-app git:(main) ✗ k apply -f gke-manifests
configmap/main-app-config-map created
deployment.apps/random-string created
ingress.extensions/random-string-ingress created
persistentvolumeclaim/image-claim unchanged
persistentvolume/main-app-pv created
service/random-string-svc created

When the Deployment stays at pending this could mean that there are not enough resources to use for Kubernetes to start the Pods.

➜  main-app git:(main) ✗ k get po --watch
NAME                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
ping-pong-b584578db-bqktv        1/1     Running   0          18m
postgres-ss-0                    1/1     Running   0          41m
random-string-58d999f8d5-k8pmz   0/2     Pending   0          10s

Because my Kubernetes VSCode extension always bugged me to use resource limits I added them before. This seemed to be the problem here. After removing them the Pods were able to be created.

➜  ping-pong git:(main) ✗ k describe ingress random-string-ingress
Name:             random-string-ingress
Namespace:        main-app
Default backend:  default-http-backend:80 (
  Host        Path  Backends
  ----        ----  --------
              /           random-string-svc:80 (
              /pingpong   ping-pong-svc:80 (

Exercise 3.03

I added a workflow to build and deploy the project on every new push to the project directory. The workflow can be found here: actions-release-server-to-gcp.yaml

Exercise 3.04

This workflow can be found here: actions-release-branch-to-gcp.yaml

Exercise 3.05

The workflow can be found here: project-delete-branch.yaml

Exercise 3.06



  • No maintanance for DB version upgrades
  • Click to install
  • Support around the clock
  • Quick scaling
  • Automated backups, replication, encryption patches and capacity increase
  • No provisioning


  • Vendor Lockin
  • Costly and not included
    • $36.18 per vCPU/month
    • $6.18 per GB of Memory/month
    • Shared-core instances for $9.20/month (0.6 GB RAM)
  • Costs when service traffic peaks is not predictable
  • Have to wait for the provider to do version upgrades

DIY Database


  • Free to choose version of database
  • Cheaper in monthly costs
  • Most of the work is already done because of the course
  • Quicker to address possible problems with database
  • Easier migration to different cloud provider or on-premise solution


  • Manual implementation of backup method
  • More work to setup and maintain but already done

Exercise 3.07

I choose the Postgres with PersistentVolumeClaims since this method is already done and I am more flexible about moving my application to another provider. Another reason is that the billing of this method is a lot more predictable.

Exercise 3.10

GKE Monitoring Overview GKE Project logs

Part 4

Exercise 4.03

The Prometheus query that shows the number of pods created by StatefulSets in "prometheus" namespace is: scalar(sum(kube_pod_info{namespace="prometheus", created_by_kind="StatefulSet"}))

The result then shows: "scalar 2"