
Dream to Control: Learning Behaviors by Latent Imagination

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Authors: Niklas Risse

Institution: Bielefeld University

What is in this repository?

  • The code to generate data from the phyre simulator that is usable as training data for dreamer
  • The code to train dreamer with phyre data
  • The code to run dreamer training on the CITEC GPU CLUSTER of Bielefeld University
  • The code to generate images of imagined trajectories for phyre data

How to generate data

The python script data-generation/data_generation.py can generate data for a given task template. Specify the template number via command line argument. The script will generate 5 random solving rollouts and 5 random not solving rollouts for each task in the template. Example code for task template 00023:

python data_generation.py --template 00023

The execution of the script might take a long time (several hours). After the script has terminated, the created episodes can be found in the folder data-generation/episodes. To train dreamer with these episodes, copy the folder data-generation/episodes to logdir/dmc_walker_walk/dreamer/1/episodes. Then create a folder logdir/dmc_walker_walk/dreamer/1/test_episodes and move some of the episodes to this folder. These will be the starting points for the imagined trajectories.

How to train dreamer with phyre data

First you have to generate and move the data as explained above. Then execute the training script with:

python phyre_dreamer.py --logdir ./logdir/dmc_walker_walk/dreamer/1 --task dmc_walker_walk --log_images False --log_scalars False

You might need to delete the file logdir/dmc_walker_walk/dreamer/1/variables.pkl after each training run.

How to train dreamer with phyre data on the CITEC GPU CLUSTER

First you have to generate and move the data as explained above. The replace the name nrisse in the cluster scripts cluster-scripts/phyre_dreamer.sbatch and cluster-scripts/phyre_dreamer.sh with your home directory. The you can execute the training with:

sbatch cluster-scripts/phyre_dreamer.sbatch

You might need to delete the file logdir/dmc_walker_walk/dreamer/1/variables.pkl after each training run.

How to generate images of imagined trajectories

Images of imagined trajectories are generated automatically during training, starting from random timesteps of the episodes in the directory logdir/dmc_walker_walk/dreamer/1/test_episodes. They will be saved in the directory img, which will be also created during training.



If you have a problem or question regarding the code, please contact Niklas Risse.