
Generate SVG badges with grading of your SSL terminating end-points

Primary LanguageScala

Build Status

Pedantic Padlock

SSL status badges powered by Qualys SSL Labs

A small microservice for generating SVG badges for your SSL terminating end-points.

Example of badges

How is the grading done?

  1. Is the current JVM running Pedantic Padlock capable of connecting without certificate warnings?

  2. Is the expiration date more than 14 days into the future?

  3. Use result from Qualys SSL Labs scan.

Deploy to Heroku

Change the Heroku application name in build.sbt:

herokuAppName in Compile := "pedantic-padlock

Deploy using SBT:

sbt stage deployHeroku

Make sure the application started correctly:

heroku logs --app pacific-meadow-xxxx

Optionally, to make the scan results persist during application restarts, add the Redis To Go add-on and it will be automatically picked up.

Future Work

See issues.