
Put a spot is a simple but awesome service/framework for geo based discovery and sharing of all kinds of digital content. Spotify (tracks and playlists), Soundcloud, Youtube and Mixcloud are playable using the map!

Primary LanguagePHP

#What is it?

Putaspot is meant to be a simple boilerplate for applications using geotagged content. The basic idea is that any URL can be associated with location data.

It was put together due to boredome during a couple of summer afternoons by @nlindblad and @Mossisen.


Distributed under the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html.

All logos and trademarks are the property of the respective trademark owners.


##Desktop Version Google Maps API, HTML5 navigation (for positioning) and JQuery.

##Mobile Version jQuery Mobile, jQuery and HTML5 navigation (for positioning).


There are serveral ways to extend the functionality of this simple application. Either by integrating into other applications or extending the content handling directly.

##External (HTTP) The same end-points used by both the desktop and mobile version can be used as a stand-alone API for other applications:

GET /near.json?lat=53.967644&lng=13.993422

Will result in a JSON list of content near the given location:

        "_id": {
            "$id": "4fce736227cd5c953a000000"
        "loc": [
        "added": 1338930018,
        "expires": 1339534818,
        "service": "spotify",
        "type": "song",
        "artist": "Bomfunk MC's",
        "track": "Freestyler",
        "popularity": "0.46590",
        "length": 306
        "_id": {
            "$id": "4fce5d0427cd5c6830000000"
        "loc": [
        "added": 1338924292,
        "expires": 1339529092,
        "service": "spotify",
        "type": "song",
        "artist": "Kraftwerk",
        "track": "Computer Love",
        "popularity": "0.00000",
        "length": 435.573

In order to retrieve a piece of content, the user must be nearby:

GET /single.json?lat=53.967644&lng=13.993422&id=4fce5d0427cd5c6830000000

will either return 'null' (if not close enough) or the content (with URL) if the user is within reach.

##Internal (Plugins)

Whenever a piece of content is analyzed by the back-end (before being added to the database) the top domain (e.g. "spotify.com") is extracted and formatted as

$class = str_replace('.', '_', ucfirst($service));

which would turn "spotify.com" into "Spotify_com".

The next step is to try to find a matching file in the library/Meta/ directory. If a file is found, it is included a new instance of the presumed class is created:

$meta = new $class;

In the last step the content array (so far only containing geotag and URL) is passed through the resolve() method of the plugin class:

$content = $meta->resolve($content);

Inside the plugin class things like meta-data lookup can be done. Check out the default plugin classes that retrieves meta-data about content from Youtube, Spotify and Soundcloud.



  • PHP5 (only tested with PHP 5.3)
  • MongoDB extension for PHP
  • MongoDB 2.0.5 (should work with as low as 1.9)

Geospatial Indexing in MongoDB

To turn on Geospatial indexing:

db.content.ensureIndex( { loc : "2d" } );
db.log.ensureIndex( { loc : "2d" } );

###Apache2 VirtualHost Example

<VirtualHost *:80>
		ServerAdmin you@yourdomain.com
    	ServerName      yourdomain.com
		ServerAlias     youralias.com
		VirtualDocumentRoot /var/www/pathtoputaspot/public/
		<Directory /var/www/pathtoputaspot/public/>
			AllowOverride All
			Allow from All
			Satisfy Any
		LimitInternalRecursion 15
		LogFormat "%v %h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-agent}i\"" vcommon
		ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/error.log
		LogLevel debug
		CustomLog /var/log/apache2/access.log vcommon

###Application Configuration (config.ini)



  • expiration: After this period (seconds) the content will no longer be listed.

  • distance: Allowed distance to "discover" as a user. Defaults to about 250 meters.

  • explore_distance: Limit for Google map refresh at zoom/pan. Defaults to about 10 miles.

  • api_key: Soundcloud API key http://developers.soundcloud.com/