
Federated Learning Infra Architecture on Kubernetes(EKS)

Primary LanguagePython


kubefl is short for kubernetes with Federated Learning Simulator, a project that helps you handle Federated Learning in a Kubernetes infra environment. Like Towards Federated Learning at Scale: System Design Paper(K Bonawitz et al), The cycle is based on rounds, and each round consists of a Client, Worker Aggregator, and Master Aggregator.

  • Client : All client nodes are assumed to be the same as the mobile device environment with ec2 nodes. Each mobile node learns the model with data assuming that each mobile device produces it and uploads it to the worker aggregator.
  • Worker Aggregator : Worker Aggregator takes the learned model from client and sends it to master aggregator. We used LoadBalancer to avoid large traffic.
  • Master Aggregator : Master Aggregator takes a model from Worker Aggregator and creates a new version model through Algorithm called Federated AVG and uploads it to S3. The uploaded model is used as the initial model for the next round.

You can use our infra on Kubernetes or Bare Metal environment.

Prepare Setting Both(k8s or Bare Metal environment Both)

  • You need Full Access AWS key and install terraform, ansible, eksctl, kubectl

    # set aws access key
    $ export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=''
    $ export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=''
  • Upload initial model to S3 as public.

  • Set number of Node, instance type or Subnet-id, etc in client/terraform/variables.tf, Then provisioning Client Nodes.

    $ cd client/terraform
    $ terraform init && terraform apply
  • Scratter datas(In here we use MNIST) to all client nodes

    $ python data_splitter.py [-h] [--n_label N_LABEL] --bucket_name <BUCKET_NAME>
                         --bucket_key <BUCKET_KEY> [--key_path KEY_PATH]
                         [--saved_dir SAVED_DIR] [--init_model INIT_MODEL]
                         [--n_data N_DATA]
  • Initializing all client nodes with Ansible.

    $ ./init.sh

Federated Learning on Bare Metal

  • Provisioning Worker Aggregator(ec2 + elb) and initialization python packagement such as flask.

    $ cd ../worker_aggregator
    $ cd terraform
    $ terraform init && terraform apply
    $ cd ../ansible
    $ ./init.sh
    # run all worker aggregators.
    $ ./worker.sh [upload server url]
  • Master Aggregator Setup

    # enter to master aggregator node
    $ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sortteam/kubeFL/master/master_aggregator/init.sh | bash
    $ python master.py \
      --bucket_name=[s3 bucket name] \
      --bucket_key=[s3 bucket key] \
      --web_model=[model download url] \
  • Now, Start Federated Learning will be started

    # run train.sh in local
    $ cd client/ansible
    $ ./train.sh \
        --round 1 \
        --server [elb A recode DNS] \
        --epoch 10 \
        --model [model download url]

Federated Learning on Kubernetes Cluster

  • Start EKS Kubernetes Cluster with eksctl

    $ eksctl create cluster kubefl \
        --node-type=m5.large \
        --timeout=40m \
        --nodes=2 \
  • Start aggregators

    $ cd ../master_aggregator
    $ cat master.yaml | sed "s/{{AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID}}/$PUT_ACCESS_KEY_HERE/g" | sed "s/{{AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}}/$PUT_SECRET_KEY_HERE/g" | kubectl apply -f -


You can see all devices at a glance with Tensorboard.

Also if you want to see accuracy, run evalute.py and use python showgraph.py —show_acc.

# evalute accuracy
$ python evalute.py --maxlen 10

# show graph
$ python showgraph.py --show_loss
$ python showgraph.py --show_acc


This project is a SoRT team project in SW Maestro 10th. We are considering a license.

Copyright © 2019 SoRT team