
An HCL serializer/deserializer for rust

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status docs.rs MIT License

This crate provides functionality to deserialize, serialize and manipulate HCL data.

The main types are Deserializer for deserializing data, Serializer for serialization. Furthermore the provided Body and Value types can be used to construct HCL data or as a deserialization target.

Some supporting macros like body! to build HCL data structures are provided as well.

Deserialization examples

Deserialize arbitrary HCL according to the HCL JSON Specification:

use serde_json::{json, Value};

let input = r#"
    some_attr = {
      foo = [1, 2]
      bar = true

    some_block "some_block_label" {
      attr = "value"

let expected = json!({
    "some_attr": {
        "foo": [1, 2],
        "bar": true
    "some_block": {
        "some_block_label": {
            "attr": "value"

let value: Value = hcl::from_str(input).unwrap();

assert_eq!(value, expected);

If you need to preserve context about the HCL structure, deserialize into hcl::Body instead:

use hcl::{Block, Body, Expression};

let input = r#"
    some_attr = {
      "foo" = [1, 2]
      "bar" = true

    some_block "some_block_label" {
      attr = "value"

let expected = Body::builder()
            ("foo", Expression::from(vec![1, 2])),
            ("bar", Expression::Bool(true)),
            .add_attribute(("attr", "value"))

let body: Body = hcl::from_str(input).unwrap();

assert_eq!(body, expected);

Serialization examples

A simple example to serialize some terraform configuration:

use hcl::{Block, Body, RawExpression};

let body = Body::builder()
            .add_attribute(("topic_arn", RawExpression::new("aws_sns_topic.queue.arn")))
            .add_attribute(("protocol", "sqs"))
            .add_attribute(("endpoint", RawExpression::new("aws_sqs_queue.queue.arn")))

let expected = r#"
resource "aws_sns_topic_subscription" "topic" {
  topic_arn = aws_sns_topic.queue.arn
  protocol = "sqs"
  endpoint = aws_sqs_queue.queue.arn

let serialized = hcl::to_string(&body).unwrap();

assert_eq!(serialized, expected);

Also have a look at the other examples provided in the documentation of the ser module.


This crate provides a couple of macros to ease building HCL data structures. Have a look at their documentation for usage examples.


The source code of hcl-rs is released under the MIT License. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.